April 20, 2007
Friday April 20th 2007. Free Agency and its responsibility
Filed under: Uncategorized — Jimmy Hostility @ 1:04 am
Here is a topic for you, I need to give a talk Sunday on “Free Agency and the responsibility that comes with it”. So what are your thoughts? I’m thinking about using some war stories where nations gained freedom, sorta the cost of freedom thingy coupled with the atonement. So, let me have it folks! ……………lets see, how can michael contribute?…….You can talk about how we are free to choose what goes in our bodies, but we have to live with the consequences! LOL J/K!
- Jtuffy
Alright, maybe the sub-topics can be, Should we play WoW this weekend? and Does anyone watch Lost? I find the show facinating, that and The Office are the only shows I watch.
Comment by jtuffy — April 20, 2007 @ 7:55 am
Comment by jtuffy — April 20, 2007 @ 7:59 am
Shoot…I have so much to say on free agency and responsibility. I feel like thats what I’ve learned most about through my divorce. Free agency magnifies our significance…amazing that God would let us muddle around with this wonderful creation (earth, our own bodies, each other). And on top of it, we have this responsibility to all of those aspects of earth, our own bodies and all those persons/things around us. yet, like karma, our actions influence and impact others and so on. That is where Christ’s Atonement is even more amazing. His actions bring us together on such a profound level. First, by being Christian, we have decided that His example is what is most important to us and above all else , we will stand by His principles. Second, since we know we are all “fallen”, we again are his disciples when we acknowledge that we need an intermediary, and humble ourselves to be equal to everyone else who is “fallen”…because no matter who we are or how large or small our sins, without Christ we would all be separated from our Heavenly Father. third, when we feel the karma effect of another person’s actions on us (for example, Enoch’s decision to get married, but his inability to fulfill that responsibility due partly to his own agency and due also to other issues that were brought upon him), we feel the smallest part of the pain Christ had felt and the loss our Heavenly FAther feels. And in turn, that gives us insight into the Infinite Love that the Godhead have for us…that they would be willing to suffer and see pain continually so that we can have this experience. Goes to show that there is a lot more to the eternal principles of yin/yang and opposition in all things than perhaps we give credit to…
Those are my thoughts quickly. Jenny cummings is about to pick me up and I should shower before she comes so i gotta go.
Comment by John Wayne — April 20, 2007 @ 9:28 am
By the time I heard lost was good it was half way through the second season and I felt like I would be really “lost” too. But I would like to check it out. I have a buddy who has the first couple seasons on dvd, and I’m hopin to borrow them this summer. As for what I watch… pretty much the thursday line-up, My name is earl, office, 30 rock and scrubs. Also been really into Hero’s and The Black Donnely’s. And then what ever the heck Rachels watching. I gotta admit, I got pretty into Friday Night Lights there towards the end of the season.
As for Spence’s talk… I’ll bring ya down some good resources. Also check out http://emp.byui.edu/marrottr/DocuList.htm , this is the document list from my last religion teacher. This guy is one of the teachers that has had the most influence on me… and I think it’s funny, the main reason is that he just says it the way it is. He really reminds me of you guys. He describes it as being no respector of men, who cares what men think of what you say… you should only care what God thinks about what you say. And if others find that offensive somehow, oh well.
As for the WoW… are you really thinkin about try’n it or just yankin’ my chain? Because my chain is sinsitive, please don’t yank it.
Comment by Seth — April 20, 2007 @ 9:29 am
sweet bobble heads john. You think the steroids make his head so disporportioned. I want to buy the Dwight Shroote bobble head of NBC.com. Its hilarious. K Carrie if you read this, why did you take over my account? what are you crazy or something? lol anyways.
Seth its hard to yank a chain with one link. I think we might try it, but our concern is that we could play xbox and be effective with our time. meaning be able to get right into the action without much learning curve. where it could take hours and hours just to figure stuff out on WoW. How much would it cost to by a character that was alot better than yours? If I can do that maybe I will play.
As for your talk Jon. you should start with the chicken and the egg joke. they wouldn’t get it anyways, and they would think it must be funny. Might be some awkward silence if they get it though. Free agency without common sense = very stupid people making very stupid decisions. think about some people would be better off if they just did what someone else(me) told them to do. So maybe you could talk about some of the negative effects of free agency also. even if just to prove the point of how important the positive aspects are. For example with out free agency we would have had the massacre this week. anyways this is probably no help to you so good luck.
Comment by Elvis — April 20, 2007 @ 10:38 am
Sweet Moses, at least he realizes he’s no help… lol j/k. I think Spence is hitting on an interesting point (to bad he’s got no moves.) Agency is the first gift we recieved from Our Father. We had it in the premortal life. It is fundamental to who we are as children of God. And it is the only thing we can really offer him, because everything else is his. The heart and a willing mind. Something else that is very important is action. Agency isn’t just choosing the right, it’s doing what’s right. The slothful servant was still a servant, because he acknowledged what was right… he just chose not to act. But the Lord is well pleased when we DO what he says.
One of my favorite quotes from conferance was from Elder Wirthlin, “How do we know if you are wise or foolish? When we hear wise council, we obey.”
Comment by Seth — April 20, 2007 @ 10:51 am
Does someone need to get Carrie her own login or is spence just channeling her and having him write her thoughts. when that post started out so thoughtfully i should have known it wasn’t spencer, and then the word karma appeared and i knew he was either possessed or it was carrie.
agency, (as the “free” aspect of it is quite misleading) is one of the most important aspects of the gospel. i think of agency as this super-power that i have been given, much like flying or super strength. i can use it to save the world (read: my world) or i can use for evil and destroy myself and a lot of other people. i liked jwayne’s (carrie’s?) point about the tension between our own agency and the agency of others. i had never likened the pain i experience from some one else’s choices to the atonement but i think it works.
i also really like tuffy’s idea of relating it to war. i think that is a good way to bring a visual image of how great a gift it is and that’s it is worth all of the pain and suffering we go through. if you think about it, tuffy, the war in heaven was over agency.
i’ve always thought that no matter what, agency is personal (well, between me and the lord). no matter what anyone does around me or to me, it is my use of agency that determines how i come out of the incident. 2 Nephi 2:26, we are “free to act for [ourselves] and not to be acted upon.” i think this is were the huge challenge comes in. can we control ourselves and not let others control us? D&C 93:31, “here is the agency of man, and here is the condemnation of man.”
man, i could go on forever.
carrie, make a page for yourself.
tuffy, if you play WoW then maybe i’ll have to get it on some action to. maybe i can buy a character from seth. i’ll let him get me up to the 70 level and then pay him $500 bucks for my chaotic elf ranger.
i need to go study about the foreign sovereign immunity act. peace.
Comment by The Scam — April 20, 2007 @ 11:11 am
That was one of Wirthlin’s best talks! The football one was a classic! So what is our responsibility now that we have this free agency, does that mean the same thing as accountable?
Comment by jtuffy — April 20, 2007 @ 11:33 am
There is a seminary video that talks about agency. It says we need 4 things to use agency and become righteous. Knowledge of good and evil, freedom to choose, laws, and acountability. These are the things that make up agency. (I’m pretty sure this is how it was presented) An intersting thought from BYU-I’s president, Kim B Clark, is that Satan intended to take away our agency by removing laws. We already had knowledge and the ability to choose when the plan of Our Father was presented. Interesting perspective, huh. This idea has been atributed to our honor code and what Pres. Hinckley has taught Pres. Clark about it.
Here is a talk by Elder Packer about agency, it’s from lds.org under the topic of agency. Great resources there for planing talks and lessons.
Comment by Seth — April 20, 2007 @ 12:23 pm
Well Jonny, looks like Spence or Carie already wrote the talk for you. That was very confusing. I thought Spence was throwing some sort of strange honesty combined with his typical sarcasm.
As for the shows I watch, I gotta see Workout every week. It’s the second season and Rebecca is trying to get with Jackie, which Jackie likes and takes advantage of, but is already seeing some other chick, which makes Rebecca act like she cares, but she doesn’t, etc. Great show! Plus, I usually watch Glen Beck and Nancy Grace for the latest.
I checked the Google action yesterday! It was hilarious because the first thing that came up was the nappy-headed ho’s quote! Way to go Spence!
I could give you the perfect perspective on free agency, but that wouldn’t be well supported around here, so I’ll leave this one alone. I’ll just say WoW is for gay homosexuals. I had a great time last night on Gears with Ben. I was rockin! I want to play Halo with BEED this weekend if I can.
Comment by Michael — April 20, 2007 @ 1:05 pm
No sir, we are due some Call of Booty 3, we owe it to spence, he never gets to choose what he wants to play!
Also, lets hear the “perfect perspective”! LOL
Check this out, i hate to admit it but ted nugget is right “Cat scratch fever”!
Comment by jtuffy — April 20, 2007 @ 1:26 pm
dude, my comment got sent to the spam bin. what’s that all about?
Comment by The Scam — April 20, 2007 @ 1:30 pm
What is the “Spam” bin?…. Where you trying to include to many url’s, I think it will let you do 5 or less, if you do more, it thinks u r a spammer! OH SNAP!
Comment by jtuffy — April 20, 2007 @ 1:32 pm
Jon, I read your link and it is okay, but who cares? It won’t make any difference. Plus, I thought what he said about fertilizer and Rider trucks and such was kind of dumb. Obviously those are very different situations because guns are meant to kill and destroy only. Trucks and such are used for totally different purposes. As they are both important, the point is that guns only attract people wanting to kill and destroy.
I’m really not sure about Call of Booty, because the only way I can play is if I get some booty. Money is tighter than your mom wishes she still was. OH SNAP!
Comment by Michael — April 20, 2007 @ 1:48 pm
Alright guys, I hope you’ll visit my page and enjoy the new additions!
Comment by Michael — April 20, 2007 @ 2:59 pm
yes cameron, I set it to not allow more than 5 links. Who in there right mind would want to put 5 links in there comment. I don’t even look at them when there is 1. Michael Please stop wining about money. YOu have complete control over your financial situation. If you wanted to have money you could have it. Money grows on trees all you gotta do is find them. I don’t think they grow at the gym. You could work 10 hours a week and make atleast $400 bucks a month. which is less than I make in a day, but heck that would be good money for you. I bet the other people in your masters program have jobs. why don’t you do a survey on that and get back to us. anyways. I will play some gears and Halo this weekend, but we have to play alot of Call of Duty also. I might even play with ben. if you can get him to just shut up and play. I guess I could mute him. He is just so ignorant. His sense is definantly not common. So there you go.
The King Out !!!!
Comment by elvis — April 20, 2007 @ 3:45 pm
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