June 22, 2007
TGIF June 22
Filed under: Uncategorized — jtuffy @ 7:39 am
Sweet Bessy, i need the weekend, i’ve been working some serious OT this weeek.
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 7:42 am
maybe they’ll give you a “special thanks” award, tuffy, to recognize your contribution to the team.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 9:18 am
well, i’ve scheduled several meetings today with themoviespoiler.com. i don’t know if i’ll have time to blog.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 9:48 am
scam, you can’t get addicted, just read one or two, you need to pace yourself! I knew you weren’t ready for that kind of magnitude grasshopper. LOL
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 9:59 am
A big question today is why would you want to be invisible DOMS? I think we all know the answer, but we’d like to hear it from the horse’s mouth concerning your ring of gyges from the land lydia.
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 10:12 am
yes, i would love to hear how you would use your power of invisibility to save the world from hunger and war.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 10:16 am
tuffy, you knew i needed more training and discipline before i could be exposed. why did you thrust this burden upon me? i cannot bear it, great one. i will succomb.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 10:17 am
Here’s what you do Scam, unplug your internet cord. Just copy of couple of the movie pages you want to read and then cut the cord.
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 10:19 am
well I will respond to camerons statement a couple of days ago.
First It is normal for companies to spend lot of money recruiting. Not so much. Lets be honest they could get you there with a bag of jelly beans and 50k a year.
Security. that is a major problem with business these days. this issue is multi fascited. on the first hand, there is much less loyalty from employees these days. people jump around between companies, they are always looking a better job. people who have good jobs, still post their resume’s on monster.com hoping somebody better will call them. some companies provide too much job security. this has gotta be bad for business. why should you feel like you can always have your job regardless of your performance. i see why companies have to pay people salary’s rather than commission, but man you get so much more performance out of people working on commission. one guy on commission would probably do the work of 3 guys on salary.
Now with this security you also mentions insurance, and benefits. this is an interesting topic. You probably have no idea how much your company is spending on your insurance and benefits. group insurance is crazy, they company probably spends $1000 a month on a policy you could get on your own for $300. that extra could be going to you. Not to mention that people put so much value on these “benefits” that the company can pay you even less because you get “benefits”. you would probably take a job at $50k a year with benefits over a job at $75k a year without. when in reality you are losing thousands by doing it.
you also said “really there is nowhere to go in the company” I am not sure where you get that. yes in a smaller private company you will actually have to perform to get advancements not just be there a certain amount of time, but you can still progress through the company, and you can do it much quicker. I have no statistics, but I bet there are typically better oportunities in a smaller company. I can think of tons of examples of this. Even yourself cameron. you could have progressed with that security company you worked for.
The market for guys like Tuffy. I think he is getting the short end of the stick because he feels like he is. “you are only getting taken advantage of if you think you are getting taken advantage of”. I believe Tuffy could find a better job if he wanted to. there would be more risk involved. He knows he could work at conoco for the next 40 years if he wanted. but you can’t get the reward without the risk.
Next Michael you agreed with cameron saying security is important and you have none. This is entirely your fault, and in your control. You have chosen to never have a job or any financial security. you could have been working the past 5 years or 15 years for that matter.
So there you go. Thats my 2 cents on the blog for the week. now you guys can get back to your movie analysis. Cameron why don’t you go tell your boss you are going to spend all day looking at that movie site, and see if he still wants to spend a bunch of money on you to recruit you.
Comment by Jimmy Hostility — June 22, 2007 @ 10:35 am
funny, i seem to recall you making kressyda stay at work even though she had nothing to do at all except surf the web. you still paid her.
spencer, you make some very accurate and interesting statements. i’m in a bit of a squeeze right now so i’ll have to respond later. but i definitely have ideas and responses.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 10:52 am
Wow, that was quite the blog from the ever-absence smengler, i will also have some comments in a second.
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 10:56 am
I think I understand why people prefer to get benifits even though they are loosing thousands… convenience. It’s the same reason Jimmy Hostility pays a lawn service and a maid. People place an individual value on their time. Some people would rather have the money from the insurance and the burden of selecting and maintaining a policy on their own… some would rather just let someone else take care of it and pay a boatload to do it.
The thing I think is interesting is how widespread the desire for convenience has become. This also relates to the problem of employee loyalty, people want as much as they can get for as little as possible. I personaly think that the desire for convenience is demolishing work ethic, loyalty, sacrifice… in general, character. There is no responsibility in the world anymore… except from the individual to the individual.
Comment by Seth — June 22, 2007 @ 11:08 am
So… serious statement out of the way, what’s the plan for the weekend? I’ll be working on the house from 8-5 tomarow. But, I’m really enjoying it, so it’s not bad… though I am a little exhausted.
So, we know what Doms super power would be… how about the rest of you guys? What would your super powers be?
Comment by Seth — June 22, 2007 @ 11:10 am
i agree 100 percento sethels, there is a sense of entitlement in this country, and it is rapidly mushrooming out of control. The world of Sarbanes Oxley in which we now live is as individualistic as there ever was.
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 11:10 am
I would have the super powers of superman, that dude can do it all, fly, incredible strength, x-ray vision, laser eyes, that would be sweet
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 12:16 pm
that’s a cop out. you have to pick one. otherwise we would all be superman.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 12:28 pm
i highly doubt it scam, lets see, what super hero would everyone be then??
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 12:30 pm
Alright, as far as recruiting goes, it happens everywhere. Basically it’s dating. If I’m a hot girl and there are 4 dudes that want to date me, I’m going to see who is the coolest by 1) hanging out with them (interviewing/working), 2) letting them show me a good time (recruiting). Its not necessarily how much they spend on you or what kind of car they drive, but the thought that matters.
Say I’m deciding between 2 other firms and ConocoPhillips. The other firms offer to make me a member of the country club, set me on track to be a partner, and a host of other things, BUT, they treat me like crap. So what if they bought me a steak, I’m not going to put out.
But if Phillips shows me a good time, shows me they care, AND they take me out every now and then – its much more enticing. Bag of jelly beans and 50K, my butt. My self worth would cringe at such a thought.
Security with a larger company only means that it’s more than likely that the company isn’t going anywhere. Smaller companies (with a very small percentage of exceptions) actually make it big. Most are teetering on the brink continuously. Where’s the security there.
Commission is the biggest joke. You’re assuming that money is the only thing that matters if you believe that commission is a motivator. Plus, some jobs are difficult to define by commission and sometimes the value is not accurate. For example, say I work a killer deal that is vital to the company but is only worth $50,000. What kind of commission would I get off that? Or the opposite is true. Say I get a deal that falls in my lap and I don’t have to do anything but sign the paper and its worth $56,000,000. Sure I’ll take a cut off that. But how does that benefit the company. Commission only works in very few cases. Plus, if you want quality over quantity, commission is a problem. Guys rip out the work faster because they get paid for how much, not how good.
Insurance. Sometimes it is just easier, but you also get more for your money. Better insurance for the same price as other limited insurance. But this is a toss up. Mostly its just easier to have someone help pay for your insurance than to shell out tons of your own money for much less coverage.
Benefits. So your telling me killer investment and savings plans aren’t worth it. Sure you can invest in mutual funds or what not, but if you had free financial planning advice and a ready made retirement set up, wouldn’t you take it.
Movement within a company. Sure I could have moved up with in the security company, but to where? And why? Most small businesses don’t have a need for a ton of management and you probably top out at your capacity before too long. Most of the guys at safehome either went and started their own businesses or did something else. Movement within a larger company is easier because there are more places to go. Yes, it can be more structured, but only at the beginning.
Getting taken advantage of. Yes, you are only getting taken advantage of if you think so, but the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence.
Final point: both sides have good points. I love small businesses. I never saw myself working for a big company. It has its good points and bad, just as Safehome and I’m sure EMS have. Just depends on what you want.
Oh, the risk thing. Yea, you can take a big risk and get a big reward, but inherent in the whole concept of risk is that it might not work out. If it’s a sure thing that it will be better then it is not a risk, it’s a smart move. If tuffy can find something that is a sure thing, then take it. Otherwise why risk what you have unnecessarily. Although, he is young and now would be the time to do it.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 12:37 pm
i think i would be more of the batman type. no super powers just destructively awesome and dark. that’s pretty much how i am already.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 1:18 pm
see, then everyone wouldn’t be superman, case in point.
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 1:45 pm
but which of superman’s powers is the best. if you could only have one?
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 1:53 pm
Pretty much how you are allready… well, you wear a suit during the day… that’s about the only simularity I can see.
So, Jon… there is a school of thought that Superman is actualy the most powerful latent psychic in the made-up universe, and that he just manifests his psychic powers through physical strengths. It’s really the only way to explain how he can allways do a little bit more than he thought he could to defeat the villian (because his thoughts are really all that limits him). And, yes… I kinda feel like superman is a cop-out. I can see you as Booster Gold… and definantly Spence as the Blue Beetle.
Comment by Seth — June 22, 2007 @ 2:01 pm
i think magneto would be pretty cool if i were to go on the villain side. these days, manipulating metal could get you anywhere.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 2:05 pm
Puleez, superman is definitely not a cop-out. The theory has already been proven correctly by cameron, given the choice he would be batman, and given the choice to others, i bet not everyone picks superman. But since you weiners are persistent like the nagging widow, i’ll give it to you, it would be his super strength. Even though flying would be pretty sweet.
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 2:06 pm
So… what power would I have? My favorite super hero is definanatley batman… but he is inspired to kick major butt by loads of emotional bagage… wait, bagage is to mild a term, lets say loads of crippling emotional trauma. I don’t want loads of cripling emotional trauma.
I think I would take Time Control, and I would use it, primarily, to slow time down and take on the semblance of super speed. Hopefuly I would eventualy learn to control time and space enough to do a little teleporting… but if not, the super speed thing (slowing time down) would be pretty cool. I don’t really know why speeding time up would come in hand… but I’m sure it would pop up (depending on how creative my writers are.)
Comment by Seth — June 22, 2007 @ 2:09 pm
Cameron, I will respond fully later, or maybe tomorrow. Interesting points. I can see how you would have those beliefs with your lack of work experience. everything changes when you see it first hand.
real quick on the recruiting. Sure that happens with higher end exec’s but not so much with college grads looking for their first job. typically they are taking what they can get. Do you have other law firms offering you the world that you are turning down?
Comment by Sweet Moses — June 22, 2007 @ 2:14 pm
and are you dorkchops really talking about what super hero powers you would have for hours. This sounds like a conversation I would hear in our programming department. or in a WOW chat room.
Comment by Sweet Moses — June 22, 2007 @ 2:16 pm
Dorkchop… lol, good one. What’s the matter with using your imagination Spence?
Comment by Seth — June 22, 2007 @ 2:31 pm
top kids coming out of top law schools get exactly what i was talking about. i’ve heard of people being offered yachts, country club memberships, all kinds of stuff.
please describe my lack of work experience. i’m not sure what i’m missing.
i think i have enough work experience to know what i’m talking about. i’ve worked for the federal government, an international business, a strong but very small company, a small and weak business, the restaurant industry, the manual labor industry, and a Fortune 5 company. I think i have some work experience. I’ve had to buy my own insurance, take out my own taxes, as well as have my company do it for me. i don’t know but that seems “first hand” to me. is there any specific experience that i might be lacking that would help me understand the situation better?
p.s. this comment was a little snide. just a good ol’ fashion ribbing, that’s all. but i am interested in a response.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 2:44 pm
imagination is for people who are too scared or lazy to go out and live life for real. why imagine it when you can do it. Or why imagine it when you can just watch a movie.
Well I am out till tomorrow. headed to the mountains for the anual spencer, alyson, and grace campout. should be a hoot. I will probably whip up some of my award winning derry berry cobler in the dutch oven. I have won 3 state title with it. it is unbelievable. takes much more skill than sticking some meet on a grill, or throwing beans in a pan and calling it chili.
so you guys enjoy they rest of your super hero days.
Comment by Sweet Moses — June 22, 2007 @ 2:45 pm
Wowzers, well i see scam is in the socratic method zone, too funny. I would love to try some 3 state titled derry berry cobler, sounds tasty
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 2:49 pm
alright back for one more. looks like I hit camerons G spot on this one.
of course you have heard of top law students being offered that. probably top harvard law students get offered country club memberships. Thats obviously not the norm though. its not typical. what have any of your fellow students been offered? a bag of jelly beans! i had no idea you had all those jobs, must have been while we were on a break. I was mostly assuming based on your comments. typically your comments are idealistic, not based on reality. so if you want to share some specific comments based on specific experiences that would be great. lets leave the fluff out.
Comment by Sweet Moses — June 22, 2007 @ 2:52 pm
i guess i would have to ask what your idea of recruiting would be? what would constitute a company recruiting you? obviously more than dinner, but let’s keep it under the country club as well. signing bonus? bag of jelly beans? you tell me what you think qualifies.
look at athletes. or should we keep them out of this?
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 3:10 pm
plus, i wold like to try the cobbler too. we basically have a championship three course meal right here. i’m telling you - restaurant.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 3:11 pm
do guys have a G-spot? it would stand to reason…
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 3:16 pm
That’s right, i’ll supply the cafe rio salads and burritos and we have a winner.
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 3:24 pm
Yes Scam guys have a G-spot, you might need a magnifying glass to find yours.
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 4:02 pm
ooooo, slam.
good thing i have one.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 4:23 pm
Wow … I have no words … Guys … today ……… Thank you.
Comment by DOMS 287 — June 22, 2007 @ 4:23 pm
is that a good thing, DOMS?
fyi - tomorrow is the “taste of summer” festival at the blue bell plant. all you can eat ice cream all day long for $4. plus entertainment and free tours. i’m going to spend at least 6 hours there.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 4:35 pm
Yes, scam, it’s a great thing.
Comment by DOMS 287 — June 22, 2007 @ 4:38 pm
Well, as some of you know, I am not coming back home to go to school. But, I may actually be coming home very soon for a visit (an extended visit). You guys are my friends, so I’ll let you know what’s going on. My mom’s mom, Meemee, has been diagnosed with malignant cancer (breast AND uterus). Bad news. Things aren’t so happy back home and it’s tough for my mom to go with my Meemee to doctor visits since they have kids they are babysitting everyday (my sister’s). Anyway, I don’t know much, but that’s the story. There’s a lesson here for all of us. My Meemee may not have been able to prevent her cancer by eating better and exercising, BUT had she taken better care of herself, she would not be facing the problems she is. These problems are all centered around her not being healthy enough to go into surgery. Keep it in mind for yourselves as you age.
Comment by DOMS 287 — June 22, 2007 @ 4:47 pm
maybe i shouldn’t spend 6 hours at the blue bell festival.
2 should do it…
j/k. i’m sorry to hear about your grandma. getting old is tough.
Comment by The Scam — June 22, 2007 @ 4:56 pm
So are you really going to go back to T-town?
Comment by jtuffy — June 22, 2007 @ 5:35 pm
Yeah, it looks like we’ll be making a trip back before classes begin. I spoke to Mitch on Father’s Day and he told me he wanted to fly us back and surprise them in their time of need. We may actually just drive though. In response to Scam’s “getting old is tough”, it’s interesting to consider that my grandma’s mom is still alive. She’s in her mid 90s!
Comment by DOMS 287 — June 22, 2007 @ 5:52 pm
Yea… getting old is crazy. My Gamps is turning 96 in July and my Grandmother is turning 89 (that’s seventeen years! yowzers) It’s great that gramps is still hanging in there… but all he does is eat and sleep. I feel bad for my grandma, she is so lonely (she is very healthy and active, she had breast cancer but reacted very well to the treatment and she goes to the gym!) She wants to move because she doesn’t like it in Gallup and would like to be closer to family… but Gramps refuses to move. So, what do you guys think of that? Should she just move, since Gramps probably wouldn’t even notice… or respect his wishes and be lonely and unhappy?
Comment by Seth — June 22, 2007 @ 11:16 pm
Tough call there seth. Too individual to generalize the solution to the problem (at least from my personal limited knowledge–maybe the other gays have a more knowledgeable perspective). It seems they’d both be better off (overall) together after all these years. What’s the meaning of “seventeen years”?
And Brooke just read your post and we have another discrepancy. Did you mean that ONLY your grandmother would move and leave behind your grandfather, or did you mean they would both move and he wouldn’t even notice that he’s in another place? Clear this up please.
Comment by DOMS 287 — June 22, 2007 @ 11:44 pm
lol, i’m sure he meant that they would both move and gramps wouldn’t even notice the change of scenery
Comment by jtuffy — June 23, 2007 @ 7:51 am
Gee thanks tuffy for lowering yourself to my level to help me understand. JK, but I didn’t see it that way. I can’t imagine him not knowing the difference. It would change everything.
Comment by DOMS 287 — June 23, 2007 @ 2:55 pm
lol… too funny. Yea, she would take him with her if she moved. The seventeen years thing is their age difference. Grandma was in her mid 20s and grandpa was in his early 40s when they got married.
12 hours of construction today… good times. I really like it alot. I love building things! I might actual take a job in construction in the mornings this summer. It’s alot of fun.
What did you all do today?
Comment by Seth — June 24, 2007 @ 12:30 am
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