Saturday, May 24, 2008

July 24, 2007

July 24, 2007
Tues 7/21/07
Filed under: Uncategorized — jtuffy @ 1:20 pm
Lets get a new blog going.

well, i still haven’t called james yet to harrass him, i definitely want to though. We went to the Hill Cumorah pagnaent on Friday and there were so many knuckleheads on Bullhorns standing on the streets yelling out things like, “Mormons are evil” And “you’ll all going to hell” It was quite comical at times. I would drive by them on the streets and honk my horn at them and give them two thumbs up with a huge ridiculous smile and they would get exciting for a minute thinking that i was on their side they they realized i was just poking fun at them! LOL, too funny. I mean really, do these people not have anything better to do on a Friday night than harrass good, honest folks? Can’t they get a date or something?

Comment by jtuffy — July 24, 2007 @ 1:24 pm

was the pageant cool? i’ve seen pictures and it looks kind of hokey, but everyone seems to love it.

i don’t see why people think its cool to disrupt a peaceful proceeding. its not like we’re sacrificing virgins or anything.

Comment by The Scam — July 24, 2007 @ 5:24 pm

so what was the coolest thing everyone did this summer?

me, i got addicted to morphine. i tell you what, that stuff is great. the only side effect is the cold sweats, but they’re definitely worth it. now i can’t sleep at night without thinking about my sweet baby morphine.

Comment by The Scam — July 25, 2007 @ 9:58 am

Hey scam, I know what you’re talking about. That stuff is amazing! When I broke my leg and had to have surgery on it, I basically requested they only give me small amounts of pain meds after the surgery because I didn’t want the drugs — just enough to sooth the pain. However, I started to feel the potential of that stuff and began asking for the max dose! I was in a lot of pain, but the very instant they injected the morphine, I could feel it surging through my veins all over! UNBELIEVALBLE!!!!!! Did you know that the pharmacology industry claims that morphine will not have such good mental results on healthy people? I mean, if you don’t need it, then it will actually make you feel bad. That’s what they say.

And yes scam, our paths were very close. However, we only stayed for Sacrament. So maybe not so close? But I didn’t get to do most things I planned on doing while here in Tulsa. There were too many family problems. You guys didn’t know that my dad has been in the hospital for the last week too! I can’t seem to get away from that place! That’s why I haven’t been on the blog much lately. But he seems to finally being doing better now after his SECOND procedure and may be released today.

Comment by DOMS 287 — July 25, 2007 @ 12:35 pm

So what was your dad in the hospital for?

The summer has been pretty crappy the past month. I was just telling my boss i was going to quit about 5 minutes ago. He didn’t take me too seriously but i’ve opened up the doors, tomorrow is the day, i’m going to go in and ask for either 1. the sr job; 2. a raise; or 3. to be transfered or i will stop doing everyone’s work, i’m about ready to explode. I’m sick of working 10+ hour days!

Other than that, lots going on this summer, ran my first 5k race, ate cheesesteaks, Have visited 6-7 states, lots to do out here, the beaches are great, historical sites gallore. Going to a phillies game on Friday and just relaxing, oh and i’m ready the 7th potter book.

Comment by jtuffy — July 25, 2007 @ 1:57 pm

dude, its just one problem after another for you.

yea, i noticed that when i wasn’t really in pain, the morphine didn’t do anything. i didn’t get a high or anything. but when i was doubled over in pain, the morphine dream just made it all go away.

so, is this basically a vacation for you. all that relaxing time at the hospital.

Comment by The Scam — July 25, 2007 @ 1:59 pm

tuffy, big stuff going on. i’m interested to hear your plan of attack. i’m sure that much prayer and thought has gone into this. what does jen say?

man, i think about philly cheesesteaks alot. probably more than i should. i found this great place in tulsa that i’ll have to take you.

i didn’t realize you had travelled so much this summer. things are just closer out there and more accessible.

Comment by The Scam — July 25, 2007 @ 3:52 pm

tuffy, have you beat crackdown? i just beat los muertos and am working on the russians. any tips? do you even bother with the car and foot races?

Comment by The Scam — July 25, 2007 @ 3:53 pm

Let’s see, what I did this summer… first, I waited around for construction on the house to start and was bored outa my mind. Then, construction started and I got a job and was so busy I was goin’ crazy. Then, Scam got sick and then I got sick and that’s been about it. But everything is gonna turn around on Friday… I’m going to see the Simpson’s Movie! Woo-Hoo!

Comment by Seth — July 25, 2007 @ 5:44 pm

tuffy, sign on to chat tomorrow. haven’t seen you online this week. chat with me in the morning so I can wish you luck with your big chat with the boss.

Scam way to go on using the xbox. stay strong. try to get in atleast 10 hours a week. and don’t forget to get internet.

Seth. Man up! don’t sent your pregnant wife to do construction. I haven’t taken a sick day since 1986.

Doms sorry to here about all the family health issues. Are you back in CT yet? you guys driving back out there?

well the work load won’t be letting up anytime soon, so I probably won’t be on here much more in the near future.

Comment by freddie masheddie — July 26, 2007 @ 12:32 am

Come on now spence workload, i highly think that golf outtings, Sumo Sushi and talking about designer jeans all day counts as a heavy workload. LOL

Scam - you’d best be getting the internet soon, that is just silly! You are probably getting paid more than i do, just tell kressyda to stop shopping as much! LOL

Speaking of movies, there are some i’d like to see, but i don’t see the excitement of going to the movies any more, i’d rather be laying down on the couch and watch them on demand. All you have to do is wait a few months and bam they are all there in high-def too.

Scam - you’d love to hear this lady at work, she see’s ever movie under the sun, …. before they come out in theaters, she gets bootlegs from her husband who works down at the dock. I asked her yesterday what she thought of all the pirate commercials and such and she said, i don’t give a *&^%^. LOL. Too funny, its a different mentalitiy out here.

Also, I talk to carrie george yesterday, sounds like she is doing well, she just got an apartment in jersey. She is currently shacked up in that guy’s apartment we went to (remember spence).

Comment by jtuffy — July 26, 2007 @ 9:08 am

at what point is it okay to just shack up with some dude? obviously not at byu, but in the real world, could two people of the opposite sex live with each other platonically and have it be cool in the church?

what’s the slowest internet i can get and still play stuff on line? or if i get dsl, is that good enough?

spence, there’s always time. its like writing an email a couple of times a day. you’re on your blackberry enough to check us out. where’s the love?

tuffy, keep us posted on the big talk. this could be your battle of saratoga.

Comment by The Scam — July 26, 2007 @ 10:00 am

Of course cam, that happens all the time at school and in big cities where its so expensive to live. Why that question? Thinking about running away from home with Bob from the cube over?

Yes, scam you need the internet, it isn’t that much! And since you really can’t go out to eat as much, your burrito budget should now be your internet.

And yes spence, there is always time for 5 minutes or more a day.

I don’t know when the battle of saratoga will go down, but it’s brewing.

Comment by jtuffy — July 26, 2007 @ 10:50 am

yea, but i wouldn’t just live another chick. if i were single and living in new york i wouldn’t just live with a girl, it seems like that would be some violation of the law of chastity or something. i don’t know, that’s why i’m asking. actually, i probably would live a girl and maybe that’s why i question if its okay or not because i would be all about it.

never mind.

tuffy, i just made this incredibly impressive spreadsheet with NPVs and all kinds of stuff. you are my inspiration.

i know i need the net. no one has told me how fast?

Comment by The Scam — July 26, 2007 @ 4:51 pm

If it only took 5 min a day to blog I might. But keeping up with it takes longer than that most the time. Its probably more about focus. I get in the groove, and just don’t think of it. And I am doing my part for the blog. I pay the $12 a month for it.

What kinda silly question is that about living with the oposite sex. of course its not ok. Carrie does it because it is right inline with her liberal beliefs. Anything goes. Not to mention that this guy is a nonmember.

Cameron don’t waste your time or money with anything but the fastest internet connection possible. come on. its not worth the $10 you would save. I honestly didn’t know people still lived without internet access. Its actually quite strange. I think I would go without AC before i dropped the internet. Serious.

Where is carrie working anyways?

Anybody up for a road trip in an RV. September, New England, The open Road, Ding Dongs, shasta’s, a 30 foot RV. come on you know you can’t resist.

Comment by freddie masheddie — July 26, 2007 @ 10:06 pm

LOL, at first i guess i thought that Scam was talking about living with the same sex, guess i didn’t read that blog carefully. We all know Scam’s angst with the carrie shack up thing? LOL. Actually, i didn’t want to mention it but her and this John guy are dating now i guess, sounded kinda weird to me, but I didn’t want to pry.

Well, i had the talk with the boss yesterday. It went ok, much like I expected, lots of smoke and mirrors. I told him basically that i was frustrating and I didn’t think it was right that I had to do the sr’s job and not get paid for it and that i’ll keep doing the job and eventually have to train someone else to do it. (I bet i could sue on age discrimination) He said they are going to make the decision next week on what direction they are going to take and that it is a good possibility (smoke and mirrors) that my name will be in the mix. So I decided to stick to it for one more week before i start up my whine fest again. This is a type of guy that you constantly need to nag to get things done. He did mention that if I didn’t get the job he is really going to push for the promotion i should have gotten anyways, i’m like hello, duh! (more smoke and mirrors) So we’ll just have to see what pans out. I’m getting a little edgy though.

Other than that, i picked Jen’s mom up at the airport yesterday, she surprised us by bringing Eric along as well, so now, we have half the townsend clan. We are going to a phillies game tonight and to the jersey shore tomorrow. Should be a knee slapper.

Oh, and i was just kidding about carrie, the dude isn’t even in the county and she just got a new apartment in jersey (where her work is also)

Seth - good luck with the Simpsons movie. Just don’t cheer to loud or the dude behind you will dump sticky, surupy soda down your back (that would be me)

Spence - I’ll be looking forward to some halo action tonight.

Scam - Get on the Horn ASAP and have the internet ready to go tonight

Comment by jtuffy — July 27, 2007 @ 8:54 am

tuffy, its all about the patience. that’s why its such a virtue. good things come to those that stick it out. maybe. hopefully for you at least.

i thought the townsends were just out there visiting? or was that emily? i always enjoy my inlaws. they just barely left yesterday after a three week visit.

sloth, how’s the leg?

Comment by The Scam — July 27, 2007 @ 10:04 am

Patience is a virtue, but it’s not very fun sometimes.

Comment by jtuffy — July 27, 2007 @ 12:37 pm

Patience smatience… good things come to those who make good things happen. Patience does come in that process somewhere, but alot of people just sit around, with their thumbs up their bums, patiantly waiting for good things to happen to them. I see it all the time (there tends to be a high population of these guys hanging out at the local comic and game stores… kinda fun to laugh at.) I commend you, Jon, on taking action. My question is, did you make yourself indispensable? Did you give him the impression that if he didn’t propmote you he would loose you? Or is that too impatiant? Just curious.

So, Carrie isn’t living with some guy? You were just yankin’ our collective chain?

Well, I’m off to the house. It’s been going good. We have had alot of helpers this week to make up for the ankle. Tom is even coming up this weekend to help out. He should be pretty funny with the power tools and nail guns… lol.

And… I’ll let you all know how the Simpsons is. I’m so excited, it’s like I’m a fifth grader all over again! (the show came out when I was in the fourth, but my parents didn’t let me watch it at first, until they watched it and decided that I could understand what satire was and not mimic bart’s behavior)

Comment by Seth — July 27, 2007 @ 4:07 pm

Oh man, some very funny stuff I’ve missed.

We just got in from Tulsa last night pretty late (maybe early this morning if that’s how you want to look at it).

Scam, don’t get DSL! Been there, done that and said I’d never consider it again. Cable is by far the way to ho. You don’t need the fastest connection. I’m no expert, but many people have told me this and I had a step or two down from the fastest myself. Plus, Cox knows the xbox generation is big money for them, so they are fully prepared for your xbox live questions. Just give them a call.

As long as my brand new xbox works, we’ll be galoing tonight! That is if the inlaws of puffy don’t prevent it. I’m sure he’ll have to sit nice and quiet the whole time instead of talking some serious trash.

Comment by DOMS 287 — July 28, 2007 @ 3:02 pm

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