Saturday, May 24, 2008

August 2, 2007

August 2, 2007
Thurs Aug 2nd
Filed under: Uncategorized — jtuffy @ 9:43 am
Can you believe the kiddies are almost back in school and Seth is the going to have two rug-rats?

Well Seth since you don’t want to talk about the 360, lets talk about ways that you can get a 360? You know how you have a baby coming up and since we didn’t hear anything about a shower or anything, how bout we all pitch in and send you some cashola for a sleek new baby entertainment machine, i.e. a 360. I’m sure we can forgoe the fluffy pink pajams and the multicolored onezies! We could all pitch in 20 bucks or so and have you on your way to a 360. That way if you get 100 bucks you technically wouldn’t have to spend so much on a 360! It’s genius, we’ll just call it a baby gift.

We really are missing out on some good time with Live.

So where is suspense, he promissed to blog each day? I know he isn’t busy since he is out golfing all the time. If he would at least hit 2 balls straight per round he would have an extra 10 minutes a day to do other stuff than trapesy all over the woods looking for his pro-v ones. LOL

Comment by jtuffy — August 2, 2007 @ 9:49 am

seriously, how much can one man golf? the question is why don’t i have tickets to the pga championship.

it seems everyone plays golf in the business world. why not basketball. what is it about golf that everyone thinks they can do it? is it because its so easy that you can talk while you do it? if that’s the case, then is it really a sport?

Comment by The Scam — August 2, 2007 @ 11:03 am

oh yea, tuffy had a good idea with the 360.

but the 360 seems to be like buying a car. once you get it there all sorts of other expenses that come along with it. how much is LIVE a month?

Comment by The Scam — August 2, 2007 @ 11:04 am

Live is only like 4.50 a month. If you didn’t drive from Jenks america to b-ville everyday you would have plenty. Or you could forgoe the peach cobbler next time you are in billy ray’s or better yet, don’t tip the waitress so much, you are ruining the balance and purpose of waitress’s!

Comment by jtuffy — August 2, 2007 @ 11:20 am

Okay, I’m back now.

Scam, definitely build up your dude on Crackdown. I say start with your vehicles. It is so cool to fly around on those things when they are at their best.

Tuffy, I’m not sure I can compromise as you suggested for halo 3. It’s all about the challenge. Once you go through it so easily, then you learn all the secrets to winning (like where key figures are and how to beat certain bosses, etc). Then, when you play legendary, it too is too easy and you never get the full effect of the challenge! Remember how much fun we were having on crackdown when we went psychotic together? That could be us on halo 3! So what do ya say, legendary right out of the box!?!

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 2, 2007 @ 1:41 pm

Nope, see you never like to compromise DOMS, you’ve got to learn, i said i would go up to the in-between level. Legendary is stupid, it isn’t like the real game, all you do is sneak around trying not to get shot and squeezing a few rounds off here and there. That isn’t how the game is suposed to be played! So we will compromise. There will still be a challenge and I always want to beat it on legendary just after i have played through it a couple times, looking for a challenge. Else, after you beat it on legendary, why play it again!

Comment by jtuffy — August 2, 2007 @ 1:49 pm

Wait a second! I didn’t want to pull out the big guns here, but I guess I have to. If we played on an “in-between” difficulty, then that would only compromise ME! Why do I say this? Because you yourself already admitted “Yep, i admit that i like playing on normal difficulty or somewhat harder…” So as you can see - and I may need attorney-scam to verify - that the “somewhat harder” part IS the “in-between” level, which you’re already used to playing! So in reality, it is not an equal compromise. It’s either your way or mine. Now what do you have to gay?

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 2, 2007 @ 2:21 pm

Here is what i have to gay, the somewhat harder is reference to when i play with you and when i try to beat it on legendary which i do like to do after i’ve played the game through various times. Here is my routine if you must know. I play it on normal to begin with, normal is normal - what the gamemake intended it to be like, hence the name normal!! Then i usually play it a couple times through on easy to really get a feel for the game and take in the story aspect of the game. Then when i have everything down I like to go back and play it through on the hardest setting, and i’ve only ever done this with Halo and Halo 2 since i don’t like any of the other games enough to want to go through the slow methodical process of all that jazz.

Comment by jtuffy — August 2, 2007 @ 2:46 pm

Not only is the conversation revolving around the x-box… but now DOMS is going off. Hopefuly this is the apex of the blogs intelectual slump.

Well… it’s nice of you guys to offer to help buy an x-box, but… it’s probably not going to happen. Even if you guys pitched in I couldn’t talk Rachel in to paying for the rest. And, she is right… with the house and the baby, we just have too many expenses. I really appreciate the offer though, thanks a ton guys. Maybe in a year or so, after the house is built and I’ve graduated.

Comment by Seth — August 2, 2007 @ 2:48 pm

Jon… did you ever play Knights of the Old Republic? If so… what did you think? The same company that made it, Bioware (I think), is releasing a simular game… but it is supposed to be a mix between a shooter and a RPG. Looks really cool.

They also have one called jade empire, that is a mix between a fighting game and an RPG. You just reminded me of these games because they are fun to play through multiple times. The story can change drasticaly depending on how you play the game… lots of fun.

Comment by Seth — August 2, 2007 @ 2:53 pm

Maybe you have a point with the whole “normal” thing (note: a very small point, like the one in your pants). But then again, maybe not. Maybe instead of naming the setting “normal”, they should name it “average”. Like for the average player. Then it would fit better with the legendary player, hence “legendary” level setting. Do you still just want to be a normal player?

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 2, 2007 @ 2:53 pm

Seth - yes i got to play KoOR, but just for a little while, it was pretty fun. I am looking forward to Mass Effect. That game looks pretty sweet, it is supposed to be super huge and more of a cross between an RPG and a FPS. Looks very nice.

Doms - i know you are just goading for an answer so i will just say yes, the first time through i want to do it the normal average way. How bout them apples. I don’t want to take 10 hours on one level and plus i would think that that is rude if you were playing 4-player co-op.

Comment by jtuffy — August 2, 2007 @ 2:59 pm

Oh, come on! Playing the rude-card? Now that is rich. I think if we have four players, it won’t be so difficult. If you want to step it up for the next round, you can play alone. You know what? I don’t think we’ll even want to play the campaign anyway. When I play the campaign, it is only when I have free time and you guys can’t get on to play live. Now, I’d love to continue this debate - you know I would - butt I must go beef up my butt. How long will you be at work today, tuffy?

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 2, 2007 @ 3:12 pm

I will be here just one more hour, then its off to the weed whackers to get a hair cut. I want to play the campaign with you monkey’s i think it would be hilarious, it would be just like playing online without the 10 year olds cursing and screaming! LOL

And i would consider playing on legendary if having more people made the game easier, but i am not going to sulk around and hide in the bushes! That is your specialty. So then Doms will you commit to playing on the notch between normal and legendary?

Comment by jtuffy — August 2, 2007 @ 3:18 pm

I’ll commit to thinking about it. As you just suggested, we may just have to wait til it comes out to know for sure. I’m off to see my good friend gym.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 2, 2007 @ 3:33 pm

Man, looks like i missed a stellar conversation. Here’s my 2 cents: the flow of a game should be consistent and not frustrating. if you can play the game on legendary and maintain a fluid pace within the game, fine, do it. but if not, drop it down so the action is constant. that’s the point of FPS, action. otherwise the game would force you to slow down and do things silently (i.e. splinter cell or something). halo’s all about the shoot ‘em up.

i have to agree with tuffy on this one. the action is key. if legendary impedes the action then its no good.

Comment by The Scam — August 2, 2007 @ 5:04 pm

Alrighty, gym and I had a good time.

Okay, one more response to this: The thing is, there is MUCH less strategy needed when you lessen the difficulty. They must shoot you more to kill you, and you must shoot them less to kill them. What fun is that? Then you’re just running through letting them have it. Halo is crazy. Even on legendary there are times when you can just run past the whole scene and not even kill them. You can imagine how easy that makes it. When it’s harder, you must find novel ways of moving on. That makes it more fun than just running out there exposing yourself shooting away. Take this for instance: In real life, are you going to survive a sniper if you just run out there and take a few hits? No. But you can do it if you lessen the difficulty (not to mention that they don’t even hit you as much). On legendary you must actually stay hidden from the snipers because you can’t withstand a shot from them. I’d say legendary is more realistic for many reasons such as that one. But come on, let’s be upfront about this. There is nothing realistic about the game in the first place. That’s why I had such a hard time making the transition from Perfect Dark to Halo, because it is so unrealistic. Let’s take one more, of many, perspectives here: When tuffy gets a new game, he beats it on the first or second day! When he got gears of whore, and he stiffed me on a good halo night (but that’s another argument), I could see his progress from his profile online. He was beating that puppy within hours! That ruins the whole gay! How disappointing is it to wait years for a gay, then see all that it has to offer in one gay! On legendary, it takes longer to progress, keeping up the anticipation as to what will happen next. Are you feeling me?

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 2, 2007 @ 5:20 pm

Exactly, Scam said it perfectly, if you want a game like that, go play splinter cell or hitman. Halo isn’t like that. And perfect dark and halo are very similar, the controls are what is different, unless you are talking about playing on the one-shot one kill setting.

Comment by jtuffy — August 3, 2007 @ 8:01 am

So… Perfect dark was realistic? (Doms is craaaazy!)

I personaly cruise through a game as fast as I can, even to the point of using cheats. And, heres why. If I don’t, I spend way to much time playing it… because I feel like I HAVE to finish it. If I just cruise through it super fast, then I have finished it and can then go back and play it at a reasonable, enjoyable, pace… without my neurosis looming over the rest of my life.

Comment by Seth — August 3, 2007 @ 12:32 pm

I almost never use cheats unless i spend weeks trying to figure it out. i just can’t bring myself to do it.

You know, since Perfect Dark was based on an alien invasion or whatever, i think DOMS is right, it was super realistic. Especially the whole running around with guns and shooting things. Its all very realistic.

Most of the time i enjoy playing the game. i like taking in the story and getting into the characters. that’s why halo is so complex. not only is the gameplay great but the storyline is complex as well. i like to play the game as i feel the story compels me. that’s why splinter cell is such a different sort of game for me, and even crackdown. i can see michael’s point of trying to play the game realistically, but a sniper in halo wouldn’t take master chief down in one shot. that’s not the game. master chief is supposed to be superior and should really only get into trouble occasionally.

at least that’s what i think.

NOTICE: I have to state publicly that Tuffy completely saved my rump yesterday. He is a financial genius and is an asset to any organization to which he is a part. i was in a bind and he came through big time.

Just thought he deserved some public appreciation.

Comment by The Scam — August 3, 2007 @ 3:30 pm

LOL, too funny, thanks scam, its good to know someone in COP thinks that way! LOL

I agree, Master Chief is a bad hombre, he shouldn’t be sneaking around like a little girl!

Comment by jtuffy — August 3, 2007 @ 3:44 pm

Yeah, yeah, very funny… Perfect Dark is not realistic, blah, blah, blah… You’re absolutely right though. I was actually thinking more along the lines of 007, which perfect dark was based on. So, I really have no argument, I admit it.

Either way, Halo is very alien based (you’re not even on earth), and master chief is unrealistic altogether himself. But still, do you think they put snipers in halo just for someone else to kill??? NO WAY! Snipers were put in the game to snipe to kill - quickly. But when lowering the setting, they become harmless. That’s not right. And I guess a girl like seth would agree that it’s more fun to beat the game as quickly as possible, even if it means cheating. That is pa-the-tic. I personally like the challenge, but that just may be the testosterone talking (sorry you guys can’t relate).

Oh, and one more thing… I think the storyline of halo really sucks. You can’t follow it because it has no basis. It is REALLY boring. You’d have to enjoy Star Trek and Star Wars to enjoy the equally crapping storyline of halo - and that makes you a loser.

I’m just kidding, just kidding. But I was serious about the crapping storyline.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 3, 2007 @ 4:06 pm

And what did puffy do that was so gaytastic? You know his head is already very large, right?

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 3, 2007 @ 4:07 pm

it doesn’t matter what he did, its that he was there and willing to do it.

he helped me figure out this accounting problem that is basically the basis for this 40 million dollar deal that my group is working. my boss wanted me to figure up some numbers and tuffy helped me with my math. saved my life. i’m a lawyer, i don’t do math.

Comment by The Scam — August 3, 2007 @ 4:27 pm

Has puffy even passed college algebra? Just kidding. What kind of math was it? I love math, just curious.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 3, 2007 @ 4:54 pm

it was real world math, not that algebra trig garbage that helps you in the 9th grade! LOL, but Doms is content on being in school the rest of his life so he wouldn’t know about the real world! LOL.

And halo has one of the best storylines ever! It is awesome!

And i think the point has been made, sounds like you need to go play splinter cell

Comment by jtuffy — August 3, 2007 @ 5:57 pm

First of all, I splintered your mom’s cell (that’s how I had you — obviously it wasn’t all it was cracked up to be). Secondo of all, name one interesting feature of halo’s storyline. Could you even comprehensively put the storyline into words? Thirdo, real world math, shmear shmorld shmath. The REAL world math helps you live more comfortably and saves lives, not just save some rich shmoe a few 100K.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 3, 2007 @ 6:24 pm

Well I am sitting here with nothing to do, so i will get my blog on.

Aly and I are on our way to vegas. We got to the airport with plenty of time to spair. We sat at the gate for 45 minutes. Our gate was packed full of every tom dick and harry who foolishly like us baught the cheapest flight they could get. So they all waited patiently to be packed on a stupid little plane that you can’t even move enough to breath in. So because the seating area at our gate was full we sat at the gate across from it with our back to our gate. We sat listening to every anouncement over the intercom. Not once did we hear our flight or our names called. So about 5 min before the flight i walked up to the desk to ask if it is delayed or whats going on. They said no its all borded, they’ve turned in the papers, and closed the door. So there was no getting on. So I exploded. 4 ignorant individuals of foreign decent all claimed they had called our name several times. So I called them liars, idiots, stupid, and a few other things i could think of. I was as close to punching somebody in the face and cussing as I have ever been in my life. I was irate. I couldn’t believe this had just happened. so they said all they could do is put us on standby for a flight 3 hours later that is allready full. So they did, I yelled some more, and walked away calling them idiots very loudly. So at this point I gather my thoughts and focus on just getting a new flight. So we cruise down to southwest’s gate and purchase a ticket from them to leave at 7:30. 3 hours after our flight, but its a gaurunteed seat. So we rap that up and are walking back. We pass the gate where the 4 non american desk clerks are standing with smerks on their faces. So we go a bit past, then the anger overcomes me again. against alyson pulling on my arm, I storm back over to the desk and say maybe you guys should try making the anouncements without stupid accents. That not one of them are americans and can be understood when they speak. I said you slur like idiots. I finished it off with next time get a freaking american to make the anouncements over the intercom. they all just sat there dumbfounded. at this point alyson comes and grabs my arm and pulls me away. She’s saying “you’re going to get us kicked outa here”. So we walk up a ways to find a seat. We were getting ready to sit down, and one of the mexi clerks and a small american guy walks up and says mr henry will you please come over here. I thought oh great we are getting kicked outa the airport. So the guy wants to recount what had just happend. of course I am being vague, not quoting exactly what I said. He says are you being honest. So each time I repeat I add a little more of what I said. So then he says we will not be able to fly on delta to vegas. They don’t tolerate racism he says. He asks for my boarding pass, and says this will be noted on your medallion membership records. emplying he was going to take away my medallion status or something. He then rips up my boarding pass and says you won’t be flying on delta to vegas, that they will be refunding the ticket which they don’t have to do. I laughed at him, and said who cares I allready baught another ticket. And so he walks away. So i go and sit back down. And in my wharpped mind, this had somehow made missing the flight worth it. I started to laugh and thought I wouldn’t have changed a thing. Now thats funny.

So the lessons here are this:

Pay attention to the boarding of your flight.

and how about some freaking americans who can be understood working in this type of position.

and racial slurs are always effective in these situations.

the only regret I have is not calling them by some typical foreigner name different from what was on their name tags. lol this is always offensive. You have gotta try this. next time somebody wearing a name badge pisses you off, call them jimmy or jerry or something. it really gets them going.

And yes jon, I only play with ProV1s. I went through 24 at 3 dollars a ball in 2 days this week. ouch.

Comment by jimmy racist — August 3, 2007 @ 8:00 pm

wow. That’s about all there is to say about that. Spence, you should be one of those opinionated journalists, like Glenn Beck. If your job ever goes awry, you should go apply at CNN. You make us proud.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 3, 2007 @ 9:48 pm

CNN? Jees, Doms… prepare for the tongue lashing of a lifetime!

Comment by Seth — August 3, 2007 @ 11:14 pm

Wowzers! That is all i have to say about that WOWWWWWWZZZERSSSSSSSSSS! So are you banned from flying on Delta now spence? Hopefully they didn’t take away all your miles, you are probably now pegged as “figure of question” in some FBI database. Everytime you book a flight now, there will most likely be an air marshal sitting nearby.

Comment by jtuffy — August 3, 2007 @ 11:51 pm

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