Saturday, May 24, 2008

April 16, 2008

April 16, 2008
We need to livin things up!
Filed under: Uncategorized — Seth @ 9:47 am
What the heck happened to everybody? Anyway, thought this might get things going. I found it quite interesting.

Oh… and a big congratulations to the Cummings!

i hate liars.

they shouldn’t get away with it.

if someone is going to be our commander in chief they can’t make up crap about warfare.

i heard that Sinbad the comedian was with her when all this went down and he just completely made fun of her comments.

Comment by The Scam — April 16, 2008 @ 4:27 pm

Well if Sinbad doesn’t like her… then I don’t! lol

Seriously… liars suck. One of the guys we are building with keeps putting windows and doors in crooked because he is working too fast, and when I called him on some of them… he looked me right in the eye and told me he got them checked and approved by our foreman. But, I was with our foreman when he heard they were crooked and when he checked them for the first time… the day after this guy claimed he talked to him. I just feel disgusted everytime I talk to the guy now.

When I think about politics in a more personal light… the lies really start to piss me off. And, are there any of them that don’t do it? I mean, this thing with Hilary is REALLY bad… but they all lie to some extent. Gets me too worked up.

I wish everyone would pop in and let us know what they think… I especialy interested in Carrie’s take on all this (isn’t she a Hillary fan?)

Comment by Seth — April 17, 2008 @ 9:07 am

i wonder to what extent our past politicians lied. i think about the mythology surrounding “honest abe” and i wonder what fibs he might have told to get things accomplished. for some reason i think lying didn’t become vogue until the 20th century, but who knows. i can’t really see FDR lying either.

whatever happened to integrity? i remember the couple of times that i have outrighted lied, i felt so bad for so many years that i had to call the people up and tell them about it.

do you guys remember katie surwillo? well, her husband brett mckay started this killer blog called the art of manliness ( it’s calling for a renaissance of lost manly skills like integrity, pulling out a chair for girls, and carrying a pocket knife with you at all times.

i’ve done a couple of guest posts for him. you guys should check it out.

when it comes to leadership, if you can’t trust what they say then why put them in that position. there is just no respect. i don’t care what other virtues you may have, if i can’t believe the words coming out of your mouth then you are no good to me.

disclaimer: if i ever lied to any of you guys, it probably got me out of some hairy predicament at the time, but no i’m sure i would feel bad if you brought it to light. consider this a blanket apology.

Comment by The Scam — April 17, 2008 @ 10:13 am

Blanket apology… pfft, We want details! We need to get back to the dirty muckslinging roots this blog was founded on! C’mon Cam… spill the beens, you’ll feel better and maybe it’ll give everyone something to freak out about!

As for politics… If I don’t feel like I can trust any of them, does it mean I should just stay home come election day?

Comment by Seth — April 17, 2008 @ 10:27 am

i can’t think of anything specific with you guys or i probably would have apologized already. sorry to disappoint.

i don’t think you should ever not vote. but it certainly is a call to honest people to start standing up for themselves and either running themselves or supporting the virtuous folks. if there are any out there.

Comment by The Scam — April 17, 2008 @ 11:55 am

On a completely unrelated note… just saw this video and it made me laugh.


Comment by Seth — April 17, 2008 @ 1:13 pm

That should be us this summer! Are we getting together? Does anyone have thoughts on a summer get together? If so, please share…

Comment by Seth — April 17, 2008 @ 2:39 pm

Oh man, now that vid is great!!!!!!!!!!

About Hillary. I’m hesitant to straight call her a liar for this particular incident. The truth is, she is smart enough to know better. She knew it was recorded. She certainly knows that the media hangs on her every word just to catch her on misstatements. I tend to believe she just made a ridiculous mistake ON THIS ONE. On the other hand, get that liar Obama out of here!! He definitely lies about his knowledge of his pastor; and that is a bigger lie than Hillary’s even could be. No one was going to vote for Hillary because of her Bosnia experience, and people really shouldn’t decide to vote against her because of it. It’s not all that significant. It would be significant if they proved McCain wasn’t really a POW. She wasn’t putting her whole campaign on being under sniper fire in Bosnia. But the Barackstar has a lot riding on his relationship with with his pastor. There is no doubt about it - he should have no shot at the presidency simply for his pastor (considering that the more we learn about him, the more radical he seems to be, or could be for that matter).

Anyway, the sad thing is all politicians, especially those that aspire to be president, must not have committed a single sin in their entire lives. That’s impossible enough as it is, but then you must consider that no one can even think you have, even according to their own standards. What’s the only answer? Cover-ups and lies. Word to yo motha.

Comment by DOMS 287 — April 17, 2008 @ 11:34 pm

I just wanna throw this out there… I know you guys don’t want to play WoW because of the leveling and the uneven gear matching. But, right now they have a 3v3 player vs player tournament going on. It lasts 6 weeks, 2 weeks to practice with your team, then 4 weeks of matched games. It is on a special server, where everyone is instantly the maximum level and has access to the same gear, all there is to do on this server is fight other players. If you guys are interested, I’ld sign up for the tourny with you and do my best to help you guys figure it out… if not, cool. I just figured this takes away all your reasons for not playing so I’ld give it a shot.

Comment by Seth — April 18, 2008 @ 10:15 am

There is some good blogging going on. I’m loving that these two idiots (hiliary and Osama) are going at it. They are just crumbling the dem party. The dem voters are becoming so entrenched in their candidate that i bet you will see a huge swing of dem voters voting repub because “their” candidate didn’t win. With that being said, I shudder to that that old-man McDoofus will be the president. I can’t believe this is what are country is coming to. People of no character running the free world. But, the people are such idiots in this country, I guess it is just a relection on the general puplic…..which is saying alot.

I don’t mind white lies, some times you have to. I’m sure we have all lied to each other. Can’t think of anything at the moment, but i’m sure we could sling mud if we wanted to! LOL, could be a good time.

Did anyone see this video….

This is the type of people we need running the country, but most people are idiots so, that is how it goes. well off to a meeting.

Comment by jtuffy — April 18, 2008 @ 10:54 am

Puleez, you want Mitt Notfunny to be our pres? If McCain is so bad, and Romney is so smart, then why is Romney in such high support of McCain, hmmmmm??? Why don’t you take a hint from your idle and jump on the Straight Talk Express. You’d better hurry, it’s pulling out of the station soon!

Comment by DOMS 287 — April 18, 2008 @ 11:54 am

I think it’s a very funny concept, us casually admitting that we’ve lied to each other at some point. It’s funny but I can’t help but feel a little betrayal…

Comment by DOMS 287 — April 18, 2008 @ 11:57 am

Come on doms, you are the king of mis-direction, need i remind you of the school food fight, ben’s egged car, not telling your mom about your beliefs!….. LOL. And Romney is so smart! It is just the people that are voting that are so dumb!!!!

Comment by jo mama — April 18, 2008 @ 12:05 pm

oh, and seth, don’t you still have to pay to play the WoW?

Comment by jo mama — April 18, 2008 @ 12:17 pm

Awwww yes, the classic food fight. It’s moments like those that really shape a man. And man, if looks could kill… spence would certainly not have survived the moment that egg found its way onto Ben’s upholstery.

Comment by DOMS 287 — April 18, 2008 @ 12:25 pm

Does Ben even know about the egg incident?

And Michael… you feel betrayed? Everyone has admitted they may have lied at some point, but no one can think of anything they actualy lied about.

Personaly, all I can think of are the things I used to tell my parents to cover for sleeping over at Jon’s house when his mom wasn’t home and all the shananagans we used to get into. Oh, and not telling Jon that Karen kissed Nick on a dare… but I never lied about it, just neglected to inform him that it happened.

Comment by Seth — April 18, 2008 @ 2:48 pm

LOL, oh come on Seth, I found out about the Karen thing,….don’t know when, but i’m sure I did! That girl was crazy!. She probably kissed everyone of you jokers! But i got the last laugh in the in.

Yep, those nights over at the cummings’ house when mom would go off to reserves were the best. We definitely need to get together this summer and do something illegal! LOL

I think that Michael did tell Ben about the egg incident, just recently acutally! I can remember it so vividly, ben stepping out of his car, yelling, throwing eggs at spencer and them all hitting seth’s garage, then ben taking spencer’s hat off and smashing and egg on it. Classic classic times!

Comment by jtuffy — April 18, 2008 @ 3:05 pm

Oh and scam. Carrying a pocket knife is for girls, i like to wear my trust .45 on my hip when I go out.

Comment by jtuffy — April 18, 2008 @ 6:44 pm

oh, and happy birthday to the blog! it has been one year since its inception (yesterday)

Comment by jtuffy — April 18, 2008 @ 6:49 pm

Well… tuffy… do you really know everything about Karen????

And yeah, I think Ben was the first and the last to egg someone’s house (with multiple eggs) while they are standing right there to watch (seth)!! I couldn’t believe he was doing that! And man could spence dance back then! Who woulda thought?

Comment by DOMS 287 — April 18, 2008 @ 7:09 pm

i love how the blog is hot and heavy for a few days, and then poof! ………..nothing

Comment by jtuffy — April 20, 2008 @ 3:39 pm

Then say something interesting so people will comment! lol

Are any of you monkeys interested in WoWing it up for a month with me? The level 70 server is $20 for 6 weeks and if you do really well, there are cash prives (but I doubt we could manage any of those.) But it would be fun.

Comment by Seth — April 20, 2008 @ 9:29 pm

I’m not even able to play xbox.

Comment by DOMS 287 — April 20, 2008 @ 11:07 pm

what is preventing you from playing x-box? Are you saying if I get one we won’t be able to own noobs for hours?

Comment by Seth — April 21, 2008 @ 10:26 am

Not until the MCAT is out of the way. It was hilarious when you got on that time. “Betrayal” was the keyword that night I believe.

Comment by DOMS 287 — April 21, 2008 @ 11:16 am

Okay, new topic. I don’t have my login info, otherwise I’d start a new thread.

This morning, I pulled onto campus behind an 18-wheeler. We start up a hill towards a stop sign. Just as the semi gets close to the stop sign, they stop right in the middle of the road. I assume they are stopping for another car in front of them or something. Well, just after they stop and I stop behind them, the semi starts rolling back toward me. Initially I assumed it was just rolling back due to the incline and they’d soon be accelerating away from me. Well just as soon as I thought this my thoughts quickly changed because they were then coming back towards me fast. So I throw it reverse and simultaneously step on the gas and horn! Well, it takes a second to get into to gear and the truck slams me a split second before my truck kicks in gear and peels out.

Here’s the problem. I was responsible for running a study this morning that I was now going to be late for as it was. I decided to not call the po-po and I just took their insurance info. After spending ample time transcribing all the info, I realized their insurance form is expired! Now I really don’t have time to call the po-po! So I just drive my busted truck away from the scene. No witnesses. Do you think I’m doomed? I still haven’t had time to report it either.


Comment by DOMS 287 — April 22, 2008 @ 11:59 am

absolutely you are hosed! Never walk away from the scene in this day and age, There are only a few honest joes out there, just hope that you found one! Otherwise, there is no proof!

Comment by jtuffy — April 22, 2008 @ 12:21 pm

I know, I know. I’m just beating myself up like crazy for doing it. I certainly have learned my lesson. How does someone have a car accident on a big school campus during the day without a single witness anyway!?

Comment by DOMS 287 — April 22, 2008 @ 12:26 pm

well, you need to call your insurance company ASAP and let them know and give them the info, if he works for a trucking company (probably) you could be safe since they have to have it by law, of course everyone is required by law to have it, i don’t understand how this goes unnoticed, but just like a blind eye is turned in immigration. Those stupid democrats! LOL

Comment by jtuffy — April 22, 2008 @ 12:31 pm

Yeah I’m about to start in on the phones. Worst possible case I pay for my truck and I report the driver via his “How’s my driving” sticker!

Comment by DOMS 287 — April 22, 2008 @ 12:33 pm

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