January 7, 2008
Who’s your pick?
Filed under: Uncategorized — doms @ 9:45 pm
Alright guys, let’s hear who your top three choices are for the democrats and republicans. It’d be nice to hear why too.
I’m scared for our country when it comes to ANY of the democrats that are running. This is also the case for most of the republicans too. Obama is the most ridiculous joke of a candidate I can even imagine. He will say anything he can to be elected. At this point, the only reason I don’t want Hillary to win (by win I mean win to be the democratic candidate) is because she’d be laughed right out of the UN for being a woman. Not that I like her, I just say she’s the best we’ve got from the democrats, and that’s scary.
I think Huckabee is quite pathetic too. Romney seems good in some ways, but his past isn’t helping him all that much. So here are my top three of the candidates:
Huckabee (maybe)
Edwards (scary, scary thought)
Any MAN in the spaces above will be better than the ones below them.
Your turn. Be sure and be offensive about my choices if you can.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 7, 2008 @ 10:00 pm
Ok, here are my top three, its really hard to pick a democrat candidate, after reading the issues at CNN. http://www.cnn.com/ELECTION/2008/issues/issues.taxes.html i don’t see how anyone with a brain could vote for a democrat Universal health care, no guns, raised taxes, path to citizenship for illegals, no social security tax reform…. Anyone that has taken a basic econ class would know that thinking is a recipe for disaster!! But regardless, here are my top three.
1.Romney - Finally, someone that made it on their own in business.
2 Huckabee - pretty good ideas but not so hot on immigration
3.McCain - has some ideas out there that are mostly good.
Democrats (how do you choose three)
1.Bill Richardson
2.? Insert name here (maybe Giuliani LOL)
3.? Insert name here
Comment by jtuffy — January 8, 2008 @ 9:10 am
Test 1. 2. I can’t see my last post.
Comment by jtuffy — January 8, 2008 @ 11:32 am
Ok, there it is, blog away
Comment by jtuffy — January 8, 2008 @ 11:35 am
Romney’s for universal health care too. Maybe you’re just saying it’s bad how the democrats are proposing we do it. What about Obama’s extreme lack of experience combined with his promise to bring the troops home? That guy only speaks in a motivation-type way, and everyone is buying it. McCain speaks from pure experience combined with honest ways of handling things. I think McCain is our best man when it comes to national security, hands down. Not to mention that he was a POW himself. He understands the war better than anyone. He and Hillary are criticized most for having been in DC for many years already, so how could they possibly accomplish the change everyone wants(?). That’s ludicrous. If they promise change, then they are most likely able to accomplish what they promise. They know how it really works. I think McCain has the potential to really make a difference. But, how much change do we really want? We haven’t been attacked since 9/11. In fact, we’ve foiled many plans of attack. Bush may have made some mistakes, but national security is not one of them. Romney also understands that we can’t just bring the troops home. When McCain was asked about Bush’s decision to go to war, he said he’d have supported the war to bring down Hussein even if we knew for a fact that he didn’t have weapons of mass destruction. They severely criticize him for this, but he explains that Hussein has had these weapons before and would certainly gain them again. He also explains how Hussein was shooting at American planes everyday. He further explains the threat of Hussein. So he says the war was the right thing to do, it just wasn’t handled the right way and he’s on record from the beginning saying he knew it wasn’t being handled correctly. I would love to see the two extremes going at it on stage - Obama with the idealistic world with no experience vs. McCain with 25 years experience, extreme war experience and honesty. I think Obama’s going to look like quite the fool when he says he’ll just call up ol’ bin Laden to go have tea with him so they can just clear up this pesky little religious difference. Of course everyone will just cheer for that.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 8, 2008 @ 12:08 pm
Romney does support it to some degree. He signed it into law in Mass because that is what people wanted. His view is that everyone should be covered, however, he doesn’t want to raise taxes or have the fed govt pay for it. He wants the individual states to come up with their own plans or solving the issue. I don’t mind McCain. Actually all the republicans have the same general view except for Giuliani. McCain’s age might be a factor. Plus he can be a little overzealous at times. I like McCains gun control policy. Guns Taxes and Illegal immigrants are the hot topics for me!
Guns - if you take away the rights of citizen, you are becoming a dictator
Taxes - if you want to take from the rich and give to the poor, then that is communisim or socialism, not a free market
Illegal Immigrants - What is the point of having laws if you can do whatever you want.
Comment by jtuffy — January 8, 2008 @ 12:37 pm
Romney’s problem is that he’s criticized for constantly changing his views. Plus he’s labeled a fraud by all the democrats for reasons like he was “caught red handed” for having illegal immigrants cut his lawn. Things like that. They also say he left MA in the worst shape it’s ever been in - that he didn’t do anything while he was governor. That is of course in direct contrast to what he claims (as would be expected from any politician, but what is the truth?). Plus, if he loses the New Hampshire primary tonight, then he’ll be the first from MA to lose it in history, and that will probably mean he isn’t going to make it as the candidate. McCain is all about cutting taxes, but also cutting expenses. He is also very clear that we can’t reward anyone for breaking the law when it comes to illegal immigrants. I think he’s got it all together (most things anyway). His age may be a problem, unfortunately, but hopefully that won’t be an issue as he seems to be in good health.
Do you think it’s even possible for a republican to win this round at all?
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 8, 2008 @ 1:11 pm
I like the fact that Romney can change his views. I don’t see why anyone would want someone in office that never can have a change of heart. Might as well put a robot in there. The whole illegal immigrants cutting his lawn is just ridiculous!!! Anyone that believes you should go out and check the green cards of everyone around you should be deported to Mexico themselves! Actually i’ve only heard good things about how he left Mass. The dems are the ones crying about Romney the most because they know he is their toughest competitor.
McCain believes in a path to citizenship, so all the illegals here get a free pass. No point in having any laws i guess.
Comment by jtuffy — January 8, 2008 @ 2:30 pm
I do agree with you on changing views (if it’s reasonable, of course). I hate how it’s about the worst thing a politician can do. Absolutely stupid. About McCain and the illegals, he is not for everyone becoming citizens. He says first priority is to secure the borders, then track down every illegal and make them face the law on an individual basis, meaning their time and contributions to the U.S., family, children, etc will be considered. He’s criticized by the democrats for saying he could possibly make each illegal face the law and possibly be deported. They say it’s impossible to get the millions of them in the first place, but even if he could, it’d kill our economy if we deported them. McCain says that’s why they will be judged on an individual basis (for their sake and our economy’s) and have the possibility of a temporary work order and gain of citizenship. Our economy needs most of them to stay.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 8, 2008 @ 6:39 pm
i agree with you on the fact that we illegal immigration is somewhat good for the economy; however, there is a tipping point of negative returns once the gains outweigh the tax and social burdens.
Comment by jtuffy — January 8, 2008 @ 10:29 pm
Well, he’s not one for victory speeches, but my top man was declared the winner over Romney at the 12% mark. Not too shabby. And how about this upset in the making in favor of Hillary. We needed to take some wind out of Obama’s sails. The percentage difference between Clinton and Obama is narrowing, but the actual numerical difference is steadily climbing. This was a great day in politics.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 8, 2008 @ 11:14 pm
Since when did you jump on the McCain wagon? LOL. I don’t really care as long as a republican wins, I think, McCain, Romney, and maybe even Huckabee would be good Prez’s, so long as a dem doesn’t win. Of course I’m baised towards Romney cause he is a Mormon, so i know he has good standards, ethics….., but i’m more so biased towards Romney cause he’s a business man, a finance whiz!
Comment by jtuffy — January 9, 2008 @ 8:51 am
I just like McCain the most because of his experience, honesty and straight-shootin. Plus, as important as the economy is, national security is most important right now. We forget that since Bush has kept us so safe. It would just take one successful attack to remind us of the importance. Did you hear about the Iranian confrontation? They are really pushing the envelope and it is only a matter of time before we go to war with them. Out of our choices, McCain is the only one that I’d trust to lead us through another war. I think Romney is down and out. He’s going to come in 2nd at best every time. Huckabee is a goofy guy. I’m going to feel great being led by Gomer Pile. When he makes his national appearances, all we’re going to hear is how much he loves us, and how much he’s just like us. Regardless, when all is said and done, I think Obama, riding the Martin Luther King, Jr. train, is going to be our next president.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 9, 2008 @ 2:28 pm
i only got through half the comments but here are my picks:
i take romney because of his experience. i’d take a governor or a mayor over a senator any day. and like tuffy said, he’s the only one that has actually been successful in the real world. yea he’s flip flopped on some issues, but look at the man’s record. it’s what he does, not what he says. he’s a politician, he’ll tell you whatever you want and then when he’s in office he does pretty well.
thompson’s like an old grandpa that just seems like he’s cool.
Comment by The Scam — January 10, 2008 @ 5:20 pm
oh, as far as democrats go, i’ll just vote for whoever Oprah tells me to.
Comment by The Scam — January 10, 2008 @ 5:25 pm
Too bad Romney’s out of the picture. Not only that, but Obama just got Kerry’s endorsement. That’s the queen’s endorsement (Oprah) + the last democratic nominee’s endorsement + the ride on the Martin-Luther-King-Jr-train + the promise of an idealistic world. That’s pretty much check and mate for our next president.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 10, 2008 @ 5:50 pm
why do you say that romney’s out of the picture?
what’s all this buzz about mccain? he seems like kind of a dork and hasn’t impressed me in any of the debates.
Comment by The Scam — January 10, 2008 @ 7:22 pm
Romney’s out because he didn’t even win the guaranteed state (New Hampshire). He probably won’t win a single one, and third place finishes seem likely in his future - especially when ol’ Giuliani steps it up. Maybe even Thompson too. More on this later…
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 11, 2008 @ 9:32 am
what are the thoughts on ron paul, the grassroots hero? he’s big on the college scene and with the hipsters. anyone think he’ll make a move? i think he’s too narrow and doesn’t appeal to enough people. plus he wants to get rid of the war on drugs. i’m not sure how i feel about that.
dude, anyone that has been on law and order has my vote. go fred!
Comment by The Scam — January 11, 2008 @ 11:36 am
Oh. My. Goodness. Asking about Ron Paul??? That’s either a pathetic joke, or you are truly a democrat. Which is it?
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 11, 2008 @ 12:14 pm
Where is Doms coming up with all this political stuf? I don’t think I have ever heard him talk about politics until the blog.
I don’t think Romney is out of the game. It is still really up in the air… I think the Reds are going to have a close one this year as far as the nomination goes.
And… I have to agree with a few points that have been made here.
1. I agree that a governor is probably (not always, but probably) better suited for the job.
2. I agree that it is a good thing for politicians to change their minds from time to time. It shows that they are thinking about the problems and solutions and not just playing the political game. How can people not rethink the issues as they gather new information, gain new perspective and as the issues themselves change.
3. Last of all, I agree that what our country needs is economic stability. I don’t know if any of you watched Bush’s press statemnt this week… but he talked alot about renewing the temporary changes made to taxes under his administration and economic stability. And, this is one of the few things he can talk about that actualy makes sence to me. If our economy is strong and stable, we won’t need to raise taxes because people will be paying more.
To me these are the big issues, economic stabilty, foreign policy and education. We need to make the dollar stronger and get more of them into our peoples pockets. We need to stop trying to be the big kid on the block and play nice with the other countries that can actualy help us (I’m not saying to play it soft with Iran or North Korea or even China and Russia (just wait… they are going to be trouble makers in the very near future!) I’m saying to get back on everyone elses good side so we aren’t going it alone and regain our economic pressence so that everyone else doesn’t want to start anything because we are too valuable financialy). And then there is the education aspect, which is what our continued economic stability and foriegn affairs is fundamentaly based on.
As far as the best candidate to accomplish these things… I’m still trying to figure that out. I like Romney and some of Huckabees policy, but I don’t like Huckabees campain so far. I am still trying to sort through the information though… I’ll keep you all updated as things start to gel.
Comment by Seth — January 11, 2008 @ 4:19 pm
It’s about time you started to gel yourself there Seth. Where the heck have you been?
Okay, back to Ron Paul. This guy is one classic character. When it comes to national security, he doesn’t have a clue. In fact, I think he has an Obama more than a clue on this issue. He makes himself look like the biggest fool when he tries to talk about it. Of course, he only looks like the fool he is to the ones that understand reality vs. idealism. And I agree 100% with Seth’s #2, but I’m afraid Romney is doing more than just changing his mind as he gains more information. After all the things they have pegged him for in this regard, he is seeming less and less trustworthy and stable. Some of the things he’s changed his mind on are just crazy and really shouldn’t have been subject to developing information, as some issues have been around forever (abortion is one example in this category, but there are others). Plus, he is constantly being called out on his lack of accomplishments with MA when he was gov. When so many people, including republicans, are pointing out failures, then there may be some truth to it. And when you pay very close attention to his rebuttals to these claims, you see that he isn’t really proving the claim wrong at all. I’m leaning more away from Romney these days.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 11, 2008 @ 6:58 pm
Of course the republicans are pointing out his failures… it’s the primaries! If he gets the nomination all the people critisizing him will put the information they have to use defending him.
And, how have all the facts been in on the abortions issue? Also, concerning the abortion issue is his families long history as abortion advocates. The fact that he has reached his current stance given the views of his very outspoken parents is kind of amazing. But anyway…
And then there is your inturpretation of him being a flip flopper. This is classic swallowing of the hook line and sinker and the classic trap for the candidates. Romney compromised in order to lead a group of people that he didn’t agree with on everything… that sounds like good leadership. But, then the media spins compromise and leadership into flip flopping and the masses eat it up! Compromise is a good thing… but the compromisers never get elected because, as they say, “the masses are asses.” (that’s a quote from my major profesor, used by him to describe trying to sell art… but it’s aplicable here as well)
Comment by Seth — January 11, 2008 @ 10:54 pm
It’s pretty bad to claim pro-choice, get elected as governor, act in the exact opposite every chance you get, then claim you simply changed your mind years later. Come on. How many things is he willing to promise us to get elected and to then just change his mind? It’s one thing to claim something you believe in, try to make it work, see it isn’t working, then change your plan. It’s another thing to say you are for or against a big, longstanding issue, then just change your mind. I’m sure he isn’t as innocent as you guys want him to be. Another good example (small, but seemly telling) is how he years ago denied that he followed the principles of Regan. Now, notice two things about Romney and the two biggest themes of this election year: “Change” and Regan’s principles. Romney is quick and thorough to claim he is all about these two qualities. How convenient. I think this guy may be the fraud he is labeled. These things just go on and on with him.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 12, 2008 @ 6:00 am
You need to actualy research what he did in office instead of getting it from the media. He said that he would do nothing to change the existing abortion laws, but that he would not pass any laws concerning abortion making it easier or more readily available, etc… He did just what he said he would. He did not take away the existing rights of his constituants, but everytime a law came to his desk to change the laws or add new laws he veto-ed it.
Look at the information that’s there, not the information the media wants you to see.
Comment by Seth — January 12, 2008 @ 10:47 am
This is not from the media exactly. It’s only from his responses to the questions in the debates. I am going off of what HE said himself. That he simply changed his mind. Not that he was consistent from the beginning.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 12, 2008 @ 3:51 pm
What is up with my gmail account! It was down last night, back up today, then problems began again, and now it’s down again!
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 12, 2008 @ 4:38 pm
i might have to give huckabee my vote because he used chuck norris in his commercial.
Comment by The Scam — January 15, 2008 @ 2:57 pm
Oh my… like I said about the masses, lol…
I just read an article by Orson Scott Card on this very topic and found it very interesting. I think you will all enjoy it as well.
I think he makes a very important point. No matter how much we like the candidates policies… congress has the potential to keep any of them from happening. But foriegn affairs pretty much rest on the president. Who will help create/repair the worlds perception of america as the great country it is? Anyway… hope you all enjoy the article!
Comment by Seth — January 15, 2008 @ 3:30 pm
LOL, looks like Romney is winning Michigan right now. So what will Doms have to say in the morning if Romney wins?
Comment by jtuffy — January 15, 2008 @ 9:50 pm
Looks like Romney has won… and, it looks like we have a race on our hands. It’s getting exciting!
Comment by Seth — January 15, 2008 @ 10:21 pm
What can I say, the promise (and inevitable failure) of an idealistic world wins elections.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 15, 2008 @ 11:02 pm
There was a decent article on cnn about mormons, check it out.
Comment by jtuffy — January 17, 2008 @ 8:30 pm
Yeah, that’s a pretty good article for the mormons. It clears up some of the common myths. Of course the most interesting part is that of Ken Jennings. I never knew about this guy and his accomplishment. It’s pretty amazing that of all the people in the world to hold his title, he is mormon.
Clear one thing up for me, what are they talking about when they say mormons have horns? I’ve never heard of such a thing.
Comment by DOMS 287 — January 17, 2008 @ 10:06 pm
LOL, that is a really old myth about mormons, that they have horns. It is more common in other countries right now probably.
And how in the world do you not know who is Ken Jennings? He was awesome!
Comment by jtuffy — January 17, 2008 @ 10:44 pm
WOW (not the game seth) We must be getting old. wouldn’t have thought you would all be so interested in and following the election stuff. I watch Oreilly and the other goofballs on Fox News ramble about it every night. the whole thing is such a dog and pony show to me. I don’t think you can really believe alot of what any of them say. And like someone said previously the president doesn’t actually do that much anyways. I love how people get so into it thinking that who they vote for is going to have some profound impact on their life. As much as I hate all the Democrats my life probably wouldn’t change one bit if one of them won. I think the only thing that is going to save us in these elections is Racism and Sexism. Sad to say it, but i hope the country is still racist and sexist enough to save us. And I believe it is.
My picks
Romney: Is the only one that really seems like a leader. Has alot more presence than the others. Republican.
Thompson: not that he could win, but he seems pretty level headed.
Mcain: just because there is nobody else. Don’t really like him though.
as far as Democrats go, really how could you even pick one. this is part of why it is hard for me to watch all the election stuff. I can’t wrap my mind around why or how someone would like them or vote for them. their veiws are so ridiculous. Universal health care, are you kidding me. What are we canadians. They tell these sad stories of these of people who can’t get insurance. Go get a freaking job. its not that hard.
And I love hearing Hilary talk about her 35 years of experience. Come on. And can you imagine dirty Bill back in the white house. It would just be scandal city the whole time. They arn’t even really married, they are more like political partners. Jon and Seth remember when you fools liked Dirty Billy. LOL.
One more thought. as much as I would prefer Romney to win it all, I don’t know that he is the best option for a republican to win. The south is critically important to a republican to win. And I don’t know if all the retarded baptists down there would vote for a horned, funny underwear wearing mormon. You guys know how they would be preaching the anti mormon stuff like crazy down there. Again the only thing that might save it is the all the KKK members. the lesser of 2 evils to them would probably be the mormon.
Well whatever happens it will be interesting. the only thing I can reccomend is to get all your news from Fox. you will get very confused from any of the others. Fox is the only one that brings people on from both sides. obviously they lean left, but don’t we also. the rest of the media is very far right and purposely decieves the masses of asses.
Well i probably won’t be back on for another month or 2, so happy blogging till then.
Comment by espencer — January 20, 2008 @ 11:00 pm
correction. meant to say fox leans right like we all do.
Comment by espencer — January 21, 2008 @ 12:51 am
Yea… that was really funny!
I’ve been thinking about what Spence said concerning Thompson not being able to win. I don’t think he wants to win! How else can you explain coming in late and campaining so little. I think he is just setting himself up to be a good running mate. He is waiting for an clear front runner and he will drop out and support them. He has just enough support as the “clear conservative” to seal the deal for the front runner. And, what a great plan. Get a pay check, fly around in airforce two, go to fancy dinners and when it’s all over become a diplomat and get paid to make speaches.
Comment by Seth — January 21, 2008 @ 12:20 pm
LOL, those are some really funny comments. The whole mess is a big time joke. I still really like Romney, of course he has his faults, don’t we all. Check this out, i just looked up Mccain and Romney on Wikipedia, you should check out their bios. I won’t inject any biased comments, but i think the experience will speak for itself.
Comment by jtuffy — January 21, 2008 @ 10:08 pm
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