Saturday, May 24, 2008

August 6, 2007

August 6, 2007
Fat Monday, Augusto 6th 2007
Filed under: Uncategorized — doms @ 7:53 am
Mitt Romney looses his cool behind the scenes and gets it captured on film and posted on youtube??? Then tries to protest it’s post on youtube, loses that deal, so then embraces it as a shining example of his great character and posts it on his own website??? What’s up with that! Oh yeah, it’s penistics.

where’s the link to that one?

about spence’s airport incident - you need to check the policy on your medallion status. they can’t discriminate agasinst you for your beliefs. if they do anything to affect your medallion status that is in not contained within the policy you can probably file a claim or something like that. unless they have sole control over what you get and can revoke it for whatever reason whenever they want, that status is your property and you should be able to control it. if it was the government i would say this falls under the takings clause of the constitution but private industry is different. even still you should have some protection. and really what effect is it going to have.

and its nice to know that in a pinch - suspence can still get ruffle some feathers.

how did alyson feel about the whole deal?

Comment by The Scam — August 6, 2007 @ 9:38 am

Mostly I just didn’t want to get kicked out of the airport, a bit embarrassed I was never really there when he was talking to them, except when he was walking away yelling idiots. I have given up on trying to stop him or argue with him when he is like that, its a complete waist of time. Anyway all and all the consequences were not that severe so i can’t be to mad, if we had been kicked out he probably be sleeping on the sofa for a good long time though.

Comment by Mrs Sweet Moses — August 6, 2007 @ 3:01 pm

Nice. I would have paid good money to see all that go down.

Whatever happened to the customer is always right?

Comment by The Scam — August 6, 2007 @ 3:11 pm

Okay, you guys have to see this! The news, of course, totally blew this whole Romney thing out of proportion. They made it sound like he really lost control. Okay, the link to the youtube video of this is below. You should let the whole video download without listening to it in order to go straight to the 8 minute, 37 second mark — the place the news only showed. They played it only until the 8 min, 57 sec mark. As usual, the news can and does take things out of context and make it look way worse than it is. Then, after seeing that small segment, play it all from the very beginning. Trust me, you will enjoy every minute of it and you will see how pathetic the news is (I think it was CNN). You can just listen from start to finish if you want, but you won’t get to see how the news trashed him if you don’t first see that segment. You’ve got to do this!

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 6, 2007 @ 4:03 pm

One more thing, the news never mentioned anything about maybe a suggestion to watch the full video yourself. They simply showed the small segment and talked nothing but how he lost control and really showed a side that he hadn’t before. Suggesting things like, is he really the nice guy he pretends to be??? That wasn’t a quote, but you get the point. They made this crap big news.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 6, 2007 @ 4:08 pm

Yep, made the front page of CNN.

Comment by jtuffy — August 6, 2007 @ 4:39 pm

Good call tuffy. That clip shows a smidge more than the news did this morning on tv, but still obviously the same result with all their spin.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 6, 2007 @ 4:48 pm

So silly… I like the guy, I appreciate and respect his understanding of the relationship of church (both official doctrine and personal faith) and state. I think the only mistake he made was dropping cleon skousen’s name as a reference to our churches beliefs… lol. Cleon knows his stuff, don’t get me wrong. But, to a non-Mormon, who doesn’t have a basic understanding of doctrine and a testimony… he is horribly confusing.

Anyway… did any of you see the debates last night? Affraid I missed it. What did you all think?

Comment by Seth — August 6, 2007 @ 5:58 pm

I didn’t see the debates. I wish I would’ve, but at the same time, I almost don’t care so much right now. Some of those losers just drive me hillary! “What should I do?” “Obama Hillary Clinton.” “Good idea!”

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 6, 2007 @ 6:48 pm

It was the republican debate… but, way to be informed.

Comment by Seth — August 6, 2007 @ 7:40 pm

Seth, you’re so astute. I guess my little jokes made you think I wasn’t aware of the members of last night’s debate… but way to jump to conclusions.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 6, 2007 @ 8:38 pm

Well, i just watched the Romney video and it was pretty good, what a dufus of a DJ all he did was focus on the Mormon thing, i’m sure it does get old for him with people always bringing it up. He did provide some really good insight into abortion that i hadn’t really though of.

Comment by jtuffy — August 6, 2007 @ 9:18 pm

I agree, I was impressed with Romney. He was saying some really interesting things.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 6, 2007 @ 9:50 pm

On that note, maybe tomorrow’s blog topic should be abortion. Have we done that one yet?

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 6, 2007 @ 9:51 pm

dude, the comments on that youtube video are so obviously stupid and unfounded. any intelligent person would see the incredible bias coming through in the argument. all you have are bitter anti-mormons that were part of the church and then left. c’mon, none of them make a logical argument.

Comment by The Scam — August 7, 2007 @ 9:56 am

Ok, abortions today!

Yeah scam you would hope that everyone sees those arguements as anti but you made the mistake of generalizing the general public as intelligent! LOL. It is really funny to read the comments on things about Mitt, they always just say, i would never vote for a Mormon and things like that. Of course in today’s world we have to embrace feminisim, Homo’s, Black people and everything else that you can’t have an opinion on, but it is ok to be biased on religion??? Ridiculous.

So what are the thoughts on abortion?

Comment by jtuffy — August 7, 2007 @ 10:52 am

I don’t know. It seems pretty cut and dry to me. I think its wrong and dispicable. Its tough because i understand the legal arguments behind the court decisions, but i don’t like it. and they really stretch things to a point where i don’t think society should go. it is important for a government to maintain guidelines that protect morality and value while still giving access to freedom. but where do you draw the line.

if the exercising of my rights hurts or impedes the rights of someone else is usually the line. so why doesn’t this apply to the destruction of fetuses?

Comment by The Scam — August 7, 2007 @ 11:08 am

I really appreciated Mitt’s explanation of his term in office in Mass. He is pro-life… but promised not to take away mass pro-choice laws. But, when new legislation came to his desk he did not create new pro-choice laws or allow any of the laws to become more lax. The idea that he can respect others choices by leaving the laws the way they were, but still stick to his own moral judgement is really inspiring to me.

I think the abortion issue is obvious to those who blog here. The only really debatable part of the issue is the political side. Do we try to impose doctrine on others against their will?

Comment by Seth — August 7, 2007 @ 11:36 am

I think seth’s last statement is true about the bloggers here. I think a good question is, what are the consequences of being one extreme or the other? Totally pro-life, or totally pro-choice. I tentatively believe the consequences of totally pro-choice are vast and detrimental and will be abused and even possibly overlap into very young children before too long. Also, I tentatively believe the consequences of totally pro-life are much less devastating to our society. I know much more people would be much more careful not to get pregnant if there were no reasonable options for them. Pro-choice or not, babies without good parents/lives will still be born in mass quantities - it wouldn’t solve that problem. I’ll leave it at that for now to see which way you guys are going.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 7, 2007 @ 11:52 am

I actually appreciated romney’s explanation as well. it was revealing of his character and what he had to do in a tricky situation.

as far as abortion, i think DOMS makes a good point. extremism either way will get us no where. even the church has reasonable exceptions when it comes to abortion.

i don’t think our society could handle a completely pro-choice situation, it would cause too much damage. but as well, an extreme pro-life is restrictive and unnecessary.

Comment by The Scam — August 7, 2007 @ 11:57 am

I really think, instead of so much focus on what people can’t do, there should be a focus on other positive options. Like adoption. Mitt is the only person I have ever really heard talking about adoption.

As common as it has become there is still a stigma attached to this woderful alternative! There are people out there that would rather have an abortion than put their baby up for adoption… because putting your baby up for adoption is worse, it’s admitting that they are bad people. This must change. People need to see adoption for what it really is, the only wonderful thing that can come out of a sad and desparate situation.

And, it would also help people to have some consequences for their actions without ruining the childs life as well. You don’t have to keep the baby you don’t want… but you do need to at least have the baby.

So, what do you think could be done to encourage adoption over abortion?

Comment by Seth — August 7, 2007 @ 12:22 pm

Very good points, especially the ones about adoption. I think that they should make laws concerning abortion. I think that once it passes 2 months of being pregnant or for simplictic purposes, after the 1st trimester, abortion should be illegal. You have had plenty of time to make that decision and at some point need to be held accountable for your actions. But in the end it doesn’t really matter because I think we all know what is going to happen to those people that have abortions.

As far as adoption goes. I know the church does a good job with their LDS services (which are way overprices). I hear their ads on the radio at times. I just don’t understand how you could think that abortion would be a better alternative to adoption. It’s like they are hiding their sins or something.

Comment by jtuffy — August 7, 2007 @ 12:30 pm

What’s going to happen to those who have abortions, Jon?

Comment by Leigh Ann — August 7, 2007 @ 1:53 pm

i would imagine the same thing that will happen to murderers.

Comment by jtuffy — August 7, 2007 @ 2:38 pm

It’s hard because you can’t force people to give babies up for adoption either. I think the best thing is to make adoption the most attractive option. Its not always the case for most people.

I believe the issue is about dealing with consequences. people try to avoid consequences at all cost no matter what the situation. pansies.

Comment by The Scam — August 7, 2007 @ 3:05 pm

Well my internet was down for a while. I had the following post ready to go when it went down (I have revised it a smidge in accordance with the latest posts):

Seth, I don’t think you should talk so confidently about the positive aspects of adoption unless you’ve experienced it for yourself. You can’t speak for those messed up kids and their pathetic parents that left them. Settle down, I’m totally kidding of course!

On a serious note, adoption should be the new abortion. Maybe every abortion attempt/desire should have to be handled in court first (even if we had tuffy’s suggestion of being legal prior to the first trimester). A judge must review your case, hear your argument for needing the abortion, you must provide proof, etc., then he rules. He can deny you of an abortion and recommend adoption. They should be very strict on who gets abortions (like being even more strict if you’re asking for one in addition to one in your past; also denying you if you were just very irresponsible, etc.) It would cost lots of money, be a deterrent, and may even help needed adoptions occur. Given the hassle and cost - if even possible to do this since it would require quick action on the court’s part - it may give adoptions that more attractive look as scam suggested is necessary. Is this boat holding any water?

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 7, 2007 @ 3:23 pm

And yes, I agree with scam that people are just trying to avoid consequences, and abortion is one easy option. That’s a big part of where my above idea came from. Make it very difficult to have abortions in the first place. When money is involved, people typically respond (for instance the parents that would probably have to pay for it - they may take more action by cracking down on their kid’s choices).

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 7, 2007 @ 3:26 pm

And one last thing, it might scare people to never really know if they could get the abortion or not. Plus, this procedure mostly satisfies the pro-choice people and the pro-life people. We would have abortions, but we would have the greatest control over it. Just dreaming over here. And rambling.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 7, 2007 @ 3:29 pm

the problem is, how does the judge decide who does and who doesn’t. typically this done by a jury of your peers. that’s how the courts are set up. rarely(not that rare, but not frequently) does a judge have the ability to just pass sentence.

as well, the courts are bogged down as it is. people are constantly trying to pass legislation or procedures to speed things up.

other than that, not a bad idea. what would be the criteria for an abortion? you would have to pass a statute outlining the factors and what not but if it is constitutional then it might pass.

Comment by The Scam — August 7, 2007 @ 4:10 pm

There are certainly some holes in this idea. Maybe it could be another organization of some sort that “judges”. Currently, there is little regulation at all. If you want one, then go get one is basically how it works as I understand it. Plus, there are FREE abortions available! It’s the ease with which girls can have abortions that seems to be the problem. Rules should be set so that you’d have to be one of the “lucky” ones in order to have one. You should be scared that you can’t get one. It should also be hassling and costly. I think these criteria are possible.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 7, 2007 @ 4:40 pm

Okay, alright, how about this: If you want the right to have an abortion, then you must first register for it. Perhaps just like a drivers license. You must register, pay a yearly or monthly fee, possibly take birth control, AND attend an eight hour educational day once a year. But if you want to give it up for adoption, then you may do it at anytime, as it is now. How about that! Maybe also combine this with some of my other idea too.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 7, 2007 @ 4:49 pm

There is another side of this issue that really hasn’t been adressed. And that’s the DR.s who give abortions. The history of “Choice” in amerca is interesting, it involves birth control and abortion. It’s odd that birth control is so accepted now, it was not legal until around the middle of the 20th century and until then viewed just as negatively as abortion. Many womens rights advocates who support choice were proceeded by those who supported birth control… but why? Have you guys ever thought about this?

It’s much like prohibition. When birth control and abortion were not legal, that did not stop people from doing it anyway. But the circumstances under which these procedures were administered were horrible. Many women were scarred or even killed. And the numbers who subjected themselves to these procedures would startle you (everyone imagines the “good ol’ days, but you really get into the history and the only reason they were considered good is because no one talked about all the bad stuff… and there was alot.) Many Dr.s became involved in the push for birth control and legalised abortions to give women a safer option, to stop the suffering caused by these dangerous illegal industries.

So, there is another side of the issue. If you do not allow abortions… that does not mean they will stop. It just means they will continue under unsafe and illigal conditions. So, how does that impact the problem?

The other idea that was mentioned, was to charge more money to narow the option of having an abortion. This is what our government does best, tax things they wannt to contol. But wouldn’t this also just encourage the illigal practices?

Ok, one last thought. What if they could find a way to remove the fetus and grow it artificialy? It would add a bit of money to the allready expensive adoption process… but, most people willing to addopt are willing to pay whatever it takes to save a life and bring it to their family instead. Instead of having an abortion, they just have the baby removed to, for lack of a better expression, a safe environment until it is “born”. What do you think?

Comment by Seth — August 7, 2007 @ 5:24 pm

I was not aware that crazy, unsafe, illegal, dangerous abortions were taking place in high numbers before it was legal. Are you sure it was so prevalent? If so, that does put things in another light for me.

I think your last suggestion is crazy (respectfully). If this procedure is possible, we are far from being able to do it, but I bet they are trying. You know, we can barely give premature babies a healthy chance. Anyway, by the time we could do this procedure, if at all possible, I’m sure it would be much, much longer before it would be accepted as safe enough for the baby. They still wonder about premature babies, if they premature enough. So, regardless of this idea being good or not, I don’t think we can even consider it. Of course I’m no growing-babies-outside-the womb expert.

About your other point - the birth control advocates now pushing for choice - I’m not sure what the significant connection is that you are suggesting. Again, I’m not up to par on the history.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 7, 2007 @ 5:58 pm

well, i definitely would disagree on the basis on outside womb incubation. That is just freaky and would be taking responsibilities of the impregenated. Also, i don’t think the “good old days” had the things going on in the quantities and frequencies of today’s society. Yes, i’m sure there was some underground stuff going on. But i’m sure Playboy’s circulation is 500 fold over what it was 70 years ago. People in today’s society have little or no value’s for the most part compared to the “God fearing” people of the older years.

I just can’t believe that people keep touting pro-choice, what about the choice of the unborn child? It is more like pro-one-side choice! What is the difference between killing your kids when they are 2 versus when they are 7 months in the womb? Just because they are tactile and have been seen by others? It is murder plain and simple.

Comment by jtuffy — August 7, 2007 @ 7:37 pm

Yes, plain and simple, I don’t think abortion should be allowed past a certain growth period as you suggested earlier. I kind of took that for granted today. All my suggestions for regulation are based on early abortion, even though I don’t agree with any (well, most) kind of abortion for the most part. I just don’t think there is any hope in abolishing it altogether. So work with them, not completely against them. I had another thought but lost it.

Are you gays watching the debate? I hope McCain is doing better than last night, don’t you seth?

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 7, 2007 @ 8:39 pm

Ehh… not a McCain fan.

Okay, you should do a little research on the subject I mentioned earlier. It is startling. I have seen several documentaries and done some personal research as well (the early womens lib, birthcontrol, anarchist and american comunist movements have close ties to some of my favorite art movements from the turn of the century… very intersting time in our countries and especialy New Yorks history. In fact… do you guys know who Mahanri Young was? Famous LDS sculptor from the time period… he was hanging out in new york with all of these guys, not really what you would expect from a guy whose sculptures are all over temple square… anyway, what a tangent!) It is crazy… even though people now are considered to have lower moral fiber, they claim there were more prostitutes in the 19th century in america, more people used drugs (herion, cocaine, marijana… even though they were packaged as medicine, and they all do have medicinal uses, they were basical just abused by everyone who used them) more people drank heavily (and the numbers of people who abused alcohol went up during prohibition… less people drank, but more drank heavily.) Our country had a crazy, but hiden, past. Here is a fun tidbit… Enphetamines were legal until the late 40’s, they were perscribed for over 30 ailments. When they were made available by perscription only, they became the most heavily abused illegal drug in the united states and the leading illegal manufacturers were Utah followed by Arkansas… and this was in the 50’s! Emphetamines are not a new problem. Anyway, good ol’ days… not so good.

Now, let me also clarify… I in no way suport abortion beyond the limited cases the church does, those being rape, insest, or when the health of the mother is in jeopardy (wouldn’t that be tough?) I just wanted to see what your oppinion was about this other side of the issue. This may sound kind of insensitive… but if someone is going to jeopardize their own health by having an ilegal and dangerous abortion in order to cover their sins… I can’t feel too much sympathy for them. Don’t get me wrong… it is sad anyone would let it come to that.

And, my last sugestion… totaly crazy. Just a thought that came to me as I was typing and I wanted to see what you all thought, lol. That would be too creepy, even if it was possible… I’ve read too much science fiction to believe it wouldn’t have horibly negative repricutions.

Comment by Seth — August 8, 2007 @ 8:58 am

Whoa… that was long! Sorry guys.

So, I got dragged to a recruitment meeting for a multi level marketing thing called TEAM last night. Any of you guys ever heard of it? It actualy kind of reminds me of what Spence is doing. Instead of paying for advertising… a group of manufacturers pay a residual to everyone in the “buisness” since the buisness is creating a market for their product. So every time someone sings up under you, you get a little peice of their residule income from the products they buy.

The thing that really cracks me up is that the folks that took me refuse to call it multi level marketing. They call it a team aproach, because the people above them are helping them… you know, even though they are helping them because they make more money. And the big wig making the presentation just showers everyone with praise for being so compasionate that they would sign people up and share the wealth… made me laugh a little. And, talk about the secret at work! They are getting overloaded with optimism at their meetings and go back out to recruit.

You guys have any opinions about TEAM?

Comment by Seth — August 8, 2007 @ 9:14 am

As far as making charging big bucks and making people register for abortions, the current case governing that is planned parenthood v. casey.

here’s the gist: pennsylvania passed all these laws trying to make it tougher to get abortions (waiting period, they had to read all this informational material, they had to notify their husband, etc.) in a very close 5-4 decision, the Supreme Court held that a state could not pass laws that would put “undue burden” (a substantial obstacle) on the person seeking the abortion. So, basically they can’t make it too tough. The good news was they only said that having to tell the husband posed an undue burden (i don’t know if that’s “good news” but its better than nothing).

But here’s how i see it. it was a 5-4. maybe with time and a little creativity and the right idea, this could be overturned.

Multi-level marketing stuff is always lame. it works out for about 2% of the people that join and the rest waste their money. i go for the pizza, then i smile and listen politely, say no thanks a bunch, and then leave. still feeling good that i didn’t throw $99 down the drain.

Comment by The Scam — August 8, 2007 @ 9:36 am

I didn’t get pizza These guys are really focused on sports nutrition at the moment, since it’s a big trend… and by sports nutrition, get this, I mean energy drinks! So, instead of pizza I got an energy drink and a meal replacement bar that was all sugar. I would almost… maybe not almost, maybe consider… doing it if I had any faith in the products. But they aren’t product oriented, they are buisness oriented. I tried to tell the people that took me that this really turned me off and they gave me a big spiel about how being product oriented locks you into being a salesmen. Instead of gaining financial freedom and liberation from your job you are just gaining a new job.

The other thing that cracked me up… was the big wig talking about resolving concerns. According to this guy, concerns just mean that people want to be convinced that it works. If someone says they don’t have the time, they want to be convinced that it’s worth their time. If they say they don’t have the money, they want to be convinced that it’s worth the money.

And do they pay someone to sit in the back and clap and yell at strategic moments in the presentation?

Comment by Seth — August 8, 2007 @ 10:03 am

man, that’s what gets me too, i’m more concerned about the product i’m selling people than about signing people up underneath me. but in that business nobody even cares about the what is actually being distributed. they just have dudes running around annoying all of their friends by trying to convince them how awesome this system is. and then you say, alright, what do you actually sell. and the response, oh this product that i’ve never tried and doesn’t really work.

they warp the paradigm so the focus is on something completely different than what it should be.

resolving concerns - why don’t you actually listen to what i’m saying and try to figure out a solution instead of just trying to convince me how awesome this is. (i’m using awesome so much because, that’s the key word apparently in utah/idaho.) man, these guys get under my skin.

i actually liked seth’s idea about taking the baby out and growing it. its a little freaky at first and of course we can’t do it now and it still raises concerns about the mother facing consequences, but its still a pretty cool idea. seth should write a book about it.

Comment by The Scam — August 8, 2007 @ 10:37 am

Okay, guys, good thing puffy hasn’t seen any of this. I’d have to relive a traumatizing time of my life all over again. (Thanks for being compassionate, scam). So, on that note, I can tell you any of the lame crap you want to know about those multilevel marketing schemes. First of all, the big wig you spoke of will probably be out of the business soon. He is probably not even in that 2% scam mentioned. Soon enough he’ll be back at the same type of job he left for this business and now puts down. As for the guys cheering in the back, they are just trying to make money too. They are the ones that have recently paid to get in the business and are still fresh and convinced the business is going to bring them riches over the next few months. Did I say months? I meant days. They are coached to cheer so YOU will sign up and make them money. It’s all very manipulative. I bet no one in that room actually makes any real money in that business now, or any time to come. It’s sad, deceptive, and a rip off.

As for the product, I experienced first hand this problem. When I fell for one of these scams, I thought (naively) that the product was the best when I signed up (signed up on a drug-induced whim - dollar signs in my eyes being the drug). However, after getting home and doing some comparisons and calculations, I realized it wasn’t the best product out there. So, I went back to the “big wig” in our team for some advice. This lady had her own office. I thought she was big time in the business. I told her my problem. I expected her to show me how I was wrong and how the product IS the best. You know what I got instead? I got more coaching on how not to focus on that. “Instead, focus on your friends and families to help you with your business.” I think you get the point.

I can go on and on with different perspectives of this kind of business. One thing more though, a few months after I got into the business, the two people that were big time, that got me in the business and acted as examples of success, had both quit and gotten regular jobs. Pathetic. I was totally duped. It’s very hard to deal with because I fought hard to succeed in this business only to fail and look really bad to everyone I tried to convince. End of story.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 8, 2007 @ 11:30 am

Don’t you worry Doms, i have been patiently waiting in the wings! LOL. Boy do I ever remember those times, I didn’t think you were ever going to talk to me again since I didn’t sign up. However, if you recall, i did go door knocking with you, that was quite the hoot. I really did feel bad for you at your little presentation at OU, i had never seen you so dejected. Those things are such a scam and the get rich scheme never works. Only in lotteries and happen chance.

I have never been involved in a pyramid scheme but it is easy for young peeps to get caught up in the glory of the moment and having money money money. They are taking advantage of a generation of privelidged entitled minds? Just think about it, we as a generation see what our parents have and we feel like we need that right now right here. And it doesn’t help when the parents give in to our wants. So we rack up the debt because we have to have that since we are accoumsted to it. Take me for example, my gramps gave me a car, a junker but it was free. I ran that bad boy into the ground, then had to get a job and get the mustang which i paid for myself. Still have it! And i have gotten things over the years from the family which is always a nice bonus but its better to work for the things. Speaking of which, funny tangent here on top of the already long one i’m on; we always poke fun at Doms for all the hand-outs he gets but we have never ribbed Scam. Look at him, driving a BMW, living in a big house, 2 other cars, laptops…. all given to him. Now that is funny business! LOL. ……. Come on scam, just a little humour ok……LOL

So back to the original tangent. Parents give their kids way to much. There is a lady at work here who gives everything to her grown kids, i think it is crazy. And remember work buddy Leighann, she pampers her kid like there is no tomorrow! (That’s right I’m calling you out!) Cars, clothes, video games, pink laptops, boyfriend sleepovers! Her freshman 15 at college is going to be 15K in credit card debt! LOL

So, that is the jist, these pyramid schemes are preying on individuals who want it right here right now. Which is want our generation is brought up to believe.

Well, everyone else was writting long posts so I didn’t want to feel left out.

Comment by jtuffy — August 8, 2007 @ 12:39 pm

EXCUSE ME !! I do not let her boyfriend sleep with her ! SHUT UP…you’re clueless!

Comment by Leigh Ann — August 8, 2007 @ 12:42 pm

LOL, i knew that would get a quick response! LOL, i was just adding some drama! But the other stuff is true.

Comment by jtuffy — August 8, 2007 @ 12:50 pm

dude, i hate the fact that my in-laws and parents give us stuff. well, the house is nice, but i pay rent on it so i don’t really feel like they are just giving it to me. and its more rent than i was paying. but i totally agree, i enjoy working for things. if stuff is just handed to you or you didn’t have to work for it (paying for stuff on straight credit), then you really lose perspective.

how many kids actually mow their lawns today? dads just pay somebody else to do it and then give their kids money anyway.

its all about the discipline. what do we need vs. what do we want and what is excess.

Comment by The Scam — August 8, 2007 @ 1:16 pm

i wasn’t going to bring up DOMS’ little psychosis phase. he came out all the wiser.

i’d like to hear some words from suspence on this issue

Comment by The Scam — August 8, 2007 @ 1:17 pm

what’s this about boyfriend sleepovers? pink laptops? what?

Comment by The Scam — August 8, 2007 @ 1:29 pm

Is pink laptops code for Leigh Ann’s daighter’s promiscuity?

Anyway… here are some more funny tidbits from the meeting. One thing they stress is how important it is not to think about how you run your “buisness”… you just follow the system. They call it being systematized. You read all the books and listen to the CD’s as often as you can to stay brainwashed and high on the fantasy. Another part of the system is the way you dress. According to the system… it has been proven that a dark suit and red tie makes you look the most proffesional. So all these systematized individuals show up with matching dark suits and red ties! But the sad thing is that they were all realy cheap looking dark suits and ties… just, shaby and cheap. You could tell that most of them were really out of their element in this type of clothing. And, if you were unsure… you just had to look at their shoes. They all had super cheap shoes. The big wig was wearing worn out paylessesque loafers! You could tell they weren’t trying to impress anyone too upscale, anyone with even exposure to money would realize that these guys aren’t all they are cracked up to be.

Most people there were over 40. I was surprised by this. It seems that in this area, they really focus on the older folks… especialy people that have been working a long time and have nothing to show for it.

And last surprising tidbit… was the big wig bad mouthing investment. Talking about how investments and the stock market were unreliable… and that who has money to invest anyway? His idea was that you have to have money before you can invest in something, so why not make your money some other way and not worry about investment at all especialy since the market is so up and down. I think I was the only person who raised my hand when he asked who had played the stock market!

Comment by Seth — August 8, 2007 @ 1:56 pm

Back off my daughter, Seth… you don’t know anything about her. You too, Jon..mind your own business !

Comment by Leigh Ann — August 8, 2007 @ 1:58 pm

Ok, i’m sorry, i was just poking a little fun around, didn’t mean anything of it. Sorry to bring leighann’s daughter in it, I was just messing around. From what i’ve heard she is a fantastic teenager who’s probably alot better than we were, well except for scam! LOL. And she is a fan of the phrase Dork chop.

I just thought it had been a month or so without some drama so there you go! LOL

Comment by jtuffy — August 8, 2007 @ 2:07 pm

I’m telling you the stock market is a pretty safe bet if you are diversified. Heck i made some serious money two weeks ago with my ConocoPhillips stock, of course then i lost it last week.

Comment by jtuffy — August 8, 2007 @ 2:13 pm

K, safety meeting, hopefully there will be some good stuff on here.

Comment by jtuffy — August 8, 2007 @ 2:16 pm

Of course Leigh Ann has only told ya the good stuff about lil’laptop. But from how defensive she is gettin’ I’ld say theres more to the story.

Comment by Seth — August 8, 2007 @ 2:28 pm

because i don’t know leigh ann or her daughter, i will back myself out of that conversation. but, i do think “dork chop” is about the coolest thing i’ve heard in a while.

This guy must be a total moron. If the stock market is so unreliable, why is it that every major company with the greatest minds working for them, invest in the stock market and mutual funds. this dude is just totally lying to everyone there to get them to throw away their money. in a way, i can respect that. if you are going to be a scrupulous jerk off in a bad suit, then be the best scrupulous jerk off in a bad suit you can be.

COP stock is on the rise today, tuffy. you happy?

Comment by The Scam — August 8, 2007 @ 2:43 pm

Yep, that is always a good thing! Mean’s i can retire that much earlier!

Comment by jtuffy — August 8, 2007 @ 3:03 pm

Interesting, my stock rises every time tuffy’s mom comes over… Proof the right stock can be very reliable. Safety is a whole other issue though.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 8, 2007 @ 3:35 pm

What a doofus! I think you meant to say that “SOCK” that you stick in your pants

Comment by jtuffy — August 8, 2007 @ 3:59 pm

I guess I do sock it to your mom with it. Thanks for clearing that up.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 8, 2007 @ 4:14 pm

Whew… just back from a long day at the construction site. I was talking to our forman and, i guess, about five years ago he bought, renovated and resold some houses in the SLC area. He made about 30-40 grand off of each one in only a a couple of months. Sounds pretty cool.

We were also talking about the growth here. It’s crazy… now is totaly the time to buy up land. Especialy up near the mountains. The price has almost doubled in the last 10 years and it goes up more everytime I pick up a real estate journal.

Anyway… good times. Hope you all had a great day. I know I have been chuckling to myself about that meeting all day. I’m just kinda worried about tellin’ my buddy I’m not interested and doing it without insulting his inteligence.

Comment by Seth — August 8, 2007 @ 9:36 pm

Just tell your friend to get on this blog. We’ll take care of everything for you.

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 8, 2007 @ 9:57 pm

WoW!!! What a bunch of negative nancy’s. You guys are so pridefull. You think you are so smart and knowledgable about things you don’t have experience with. Its the same as what started this whole communication thing several months back. People who have no idea thinking they know how large corporations do business. So lets bullet point our way through this.

Negativity: of course these programs won’t work for you with that attitude. Nothing will work well with a poor attitude. You guys can criticize “the secret” all you want, but the reality is it is a very true concept that you only criticize out of ignorance. I experienced it in a large way again today.

Sales Techniques: When was the last time one of you sold something? Sure the stuff seth said they were doing is cheesy and i wouldn’t buy into it iether, but lots of people do. You shouldn’t criticize it, you should respect it. all of the stuff seth said they were doing made perfect sense to me. if somebody is just there for the free pizza, they are a bigger idiot than the people who buy. So the ones that arn’t dumb and too poor to buy their own pizza or sports drink are there because they have some level of interest. Of course they are going to have concerns which need to be resolved. If someone says they don’t have time, then yes you need to convince them it is worth their time. If someone says they don’t have money, they need to be convinced they can’t afford not to do it. Is that not what you did on your missions. You resolved their concerns. whatever they were saying their concern was, was usually not their actual concern, but easier to say then their real concern. The techniques seth or michael said they were using sounded legitimate to me. Lets get real, the stock market probably isn’t the best option for the people at that event. Your a big stock market invester seth because your grandma gave you some. The stock market isn’t your best option for creating income right now.

Customer being scammed: two things, first you are only being taken advantage of if you think you are being taken advantage of. If you think its a good deal, then it is a good deal. Secondly its all about oportunity. with enough time, energy, and positive attitude you could make money with just about any of these MLM’s. thats why only 2% of people make it. As you guys are proof of most people are negative and lazy. And even the people who try and fail feel better about themselves. Atleast the can feel like they tried. and they can get back up and try again. Just a little proof. Noni juice an mlm out here has made over 500 millionairs.

Red Ties: Any body ever watch golf on sunday. The guy winning most of the tourny’s always wears a red shirt on the final day of the tournament. probably to intimidate the other players. come on common sense. of course red portrays power and confidence.

I don’t know how you guys can criticize these people who are least trying. back to a point brought up earlier about folks being given freebies. If you guys really had to make it on your own you would do the same thing. you guys have spent more time finding ways to mooch money than ways to make money.

Now don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t do an MLM. And I know its not for everybody. But it does work for some people.

I will also agree that typically mlms are pitched as get rich quick schemes. there are lots of things pitched as get rich quick schemes. why do you think people use that technique. thats what people want. How about putting a little responsibility on the consumer. if you buy crap its your fault.

one more thing. Scam most businesses don’t make money because they have a good product or provide good service. they just know how to push the product out there. They know how to resolve your concerns of buying it. having a good product is just a bonus.

Well, thats enough on that. alright keep it real.

Comment by Jimmy Hostility — August 9, 2007 @ 12:18 am

Oh man… got up to pee… realized the computer was still on… went over to turn it off, and what do I find??? Gimme Gaytility at it again. Spoken like a true take ‘em for what they’re worth kind of gay. There was one MAJOR problem with your stretched anal-yses there jimmy… I did speak from personal experience. I did try VERY hard to make it succeed, as tuffy can unfortunately testify to. So your claims did not hold true for me. I did not fail and just feel good about myself for at least trying. Instead I looked and felt like a fool because I was one. Let’s take your way of thinking to this matter, shall we? Okay, yes, because I believed it was a good deal, it was. However, after I learned more, I began to believe it was a very BAD deal! So what does that say for your logic on the matter? Just says it’s worthless, scammer-talk. Yep, one of the worst experiences of my life was paying a ton of money to one of those scams, believing I could do it, approaching tons of friends, family, acquaintances, and strangers, just to make a complete fool of myself. I didn’t leave the situation with a bit of dignity. I instead learned a traumatizing lesson the hard way. To succeed at one of these businesses, you must only care about yourself and money. You must be a good salesman in other words. You must be a SPENDcer Henry. By the way, no one said it was impossible to make money at these things. And I guess being truthful and real about the whole situation makes us negative. Let’s do look at some positive points these scams bring to the majority: 1) They give a lot of hope to a lot of people (temporarily), 2) They solve people’s current financial problems (in theory), 3) They give tons of support to their members (until they have to go back to their old jobs), 4) They show you how to meet and greet tons of new people (to show them how stupid you are), 5) They give you a product to sell (one that no one wants), 6) They give you “your own business” (the type that people refer to as “Oh, one of those…”), 7) They teach you a valuable lesson in life (the hardest way possible). That about sums up all the positive points off the top of my head, but I’m sure there are many, many more. You’re right, I do feel better after being more positive about it!

Comment by DOMS 287 — August 9, 2007 @ 2:02 am

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