April 27, 2007
Friday April 27th 2007, Why can’t Spencer update his Page?
Filed under: Uncategorized — jtuffy @ 7:38 am
Well folks, i’m going to make just a few more posts today on the soulforce, then i’ll retire my gay sympathies! LOL. Michael needs an encore! I think we need to iron out the book we are going to read.
What’s your oppinion Jonny? Michael? Scam? And Carrie? Speaking of Carrie… and are any of the wives gonna be reading with us?
Comment by Seth — April 27, 2007 @ 9:51 am
Opinion about which book we should read, or about the soulforce?
Comment by Michael — April 27, 2007 @ 10:35 am
slaughterhouse is my vote,
Are you hamming it up on soulforce doms?
Comment by jtuffy — April 27, 2007 @ 10:49 am
Same as you, I’m not, tuffy. Although I saw some good posts you could respond to.
Comment by DOMS — April 27, 2007 @ 10:54 am
i know, i’ll hit a few up at lunch time!
Comment by jtuffy — April 27, 2007 @ 10:57 am
c’mon, lil’ top. you know you love the soul force.
i vote slaughterhouse. maybe the secret can be next.
suspence, how can you highlight and make notes in the margin if you “read” it on cd?
Comment by The Scam — April 27, 2007 @ 12:02 pm
Man, not much bloggin action going on these days. Everyone has consigned themselves to one-liners! Lets see if i can break the mold. How bout some Halo tonight?, something to relax the mind. So what is going on this weekend? I’m playing b-ball tomorrow and i assume suspence is on his way to newport beach to hang with the OC. Spence - by the way congrats on having good swimmers, however, i would like to know how you managed by yourself with no aids! : ). I’m sure cameron and michael will have their noses in books all weekend and seth will be breaking ground with the house. Man, do i have the life or what, not a care in the world expect deciding on which lawn fertilizer to lay down this weekend! I tell you what, it is good to have the simple life, however, i know that i’ll have to go back to school, which i’m dreading.
Comment by jtuffy — April 27, 2007 @ 1:46 pm
Yep, I couldn’t get to the computer much today. Now I have to get started studying again! I’m swamped so I won’t be playing any box tonight nor until I get this test done. It doesn’t relax the mind when you’re stressed and your wife is on your case b/c she doesn’t understand why you can have time to play when the big test is coming up.
Comment by Michael — April 27, 2007 @ 4:51 pm
Okay, the secret is gay. I don’t enjoy reading fiction. What a waste of time. I thought the secret was supposed to be a self-help thing, but now that I’ve actually looked at the website I see it’s just gay. Might be a decent movie, but gay to read. If you gays read this, then go talk about it on the soulforce blog.
Comment by Michael — April 27, 2007 @ 5:03 pm
what the h is the secret anyway? the website didn’t tell me anything about the book just that it the “secret” was coveted through out time and is the key to all success.
i just finished the absolute most destructive test i have ever taken. i have never felt more stupid. you would think that wills and trusts would be a simple concept. no, there are things you would never believe.
the more i think about, the more i wish i had an xbox and that i had the internet. i could really use something to look forward to. i suppose the wife and kid are the thing fill that need.
suspence, are you going to be a dad again? when did this happen? is it going down anytime soon.
Comment by The Scam — April 27, 2007 @ 6:05 pm
no, no kids yet. just tested positive. And you guys are all gay. I am telling you The Secret is amazing. I gaurantee if you guys read it with an open mind, it would change your life. There is an entire religious or spiritual side of it also. Seth you are the last person who should be saying you arn’t interested. This concept will be the key to your success. And to be so naive as to think you already know and use this concept effectively is rediculous. I am reading The Secret once or twice this weekend, and I will possibly read slaughter house 5. And I will read The Secret again when you monkey’s are ready. Michael I assume you were just being your gay self saying it is fiction. If you don’t believe in God, you have to believe in something that will help you succeed. You don’t have it in you to do it on your own. Cameron you would eat this up if you gave it a chance. I gaurantee you wouldn’t have bombed the test today if you were using this concept. Jon you are just a girl. The book on tape is 4 hours. not a big deal. If you school girls are too ignorant to to read this. Then I will buy it for you. You cheap SOB’s
Comment by suspence — April 27, 2007 @ 6:35 pm
Maybe I’m mistaken, but I watched the trailer for this thing. It’s just a movie! There are no revealed secrets, yet it promises you EVERYTHING you ever wanted! If this is truly a religious ploy, then that’s gay itself because you’d have to be an idiot to believe god is going to make you rich and give you everything else you need for your perfect life. Here, view the gayler yourself:
You’ll see it is just entertainment. It’s totally Spencer! OH, I meant to say GAY!!
Comment by Michael — April 27, 2007 @ 8:58 pm
Wow you are unbelievably stupid. Sometime I wonder is it all an act or sarcasm, and then you make is obvious how truly ignorant you are. Do you have any idea what a trailer is. You looking for the whole message in a 3 minute advertisement. What the hell are you wasting your time in school for. when you should be able to get all the info in 3 minutes(ironically you actually could get all the info michael is learning in 3 minutes). Its not a religious ploy. Don’t worry michael you can still “act” atheist and utilize this information. You can still rationalize you laziness, and not feel the guilt of you sins and still utilize this information. What you monkeys don’t understand is that you are probably using it in small ways and don’t know it. It is why you are in the situations you are currently in whether they are good or bad. It is why things happen to you whether good or bad. this could help you gain much more control over that. Honestly at this point I could care less if you guys ever find out about it. I have allready wasted too much of my time talking about it to you. Michael your lack of experience in real world situations really stands out sometimes. You have sheltered yourself from reality in many ways. And you have a very juvenile understanding of many things.
Seriously michael You have wasted much more than the 4 hours it would take to read this book screwing with gay guys over the last few days.(amazing you could fit that in with all your “meetings”) You wine about being so busy yet you spend countless hours doing unproductive things. I spend plenty of time doing that myself, but when was the last time you heard me wining about how busy I was. So again I won’t mention this anymore unless someone else makes another childish remark.
I bet you put in a good 6 to 8 hours of gears tomorrow with fag boy Ben, but complain all day about how busy you are studying for your “meetings” on monday.
the angry dolphin out!!!
Comment by jimmy — April 27, 2007 @ 11:42 pm
wowzers… all I have to say is, “OH SNAP!” Well, that’s not all I have to say after all. Spence, I’m just curious about something. If this is religious… why aren’t we learning it from our religion? Why aren’t we learning it in our studies? Maybe we are, maybe I really just don’t know what it’s about. I would be willing to read it like I said before… but the way you describe it makes me want to aproach it very cautiously.
I still think we should read slaughterhouse-5 first, because I know it is redily accesable, aka available at the library or affordably at the book store (can you get the secret at the book store, or do you have to send away for it?) Even if the secret is available at the library… I bet there is a wait list for it. New and popular self help books are always on the wait list here. Hope you take this as it was meant, not critasism… just caution. Like I said… I’ll still give it a chance.
Comment by Seth — April 28, 2007 @ 12:14 am
It is something we learn about in our religion just with a little spin to apply it a little differently in life. As to why you are cautious, that is rediculous. You mean to say you are pridefull about it. Of course they are pitching this concept to the general public, so it has to be dumbed down some. It is delivery is somewhat cheesy at times, but the information is excellent. It has been markedt almost 100% through viral marketing. Meaning by word of mouth. So in general people who read it and use it tell other people about it. that is how I know about it. I know several successful(not just money) people who have referred it to me. I bought the book finally 3 days ago, and ironically had a big meeting with our partner company today about it and using it. It is a very simple concept, and your pride will tell you that you allready know this, but I am sure you are not implimenting it in your daily life. Well actually you probably are just with out knowing, so you don’t have positive control over it. So anyways. it will cost you about $20, or I will send it to anybody also. I could probably authorize my itunes to you guys to just listen to it on your computer. alright, well my blogging will be spotty between now and wednesday. Happy gay blogging.
Comment by jimmy — April 28, 2007 @ 2:22 am
okay, my interest is piqued about this “secret”. is it a business plan? is it a “seven habits” type thing? i looked on line but it didn’t give a very good description. it is all very vague and nondescript. i am not opposed to reading it, i just don’t know anything about. could you elaborate on the whole idea just a little bit so we can understand better.
plus, any book that gets spencer riled up should definitely be explored.
Comment by The Scam — April 28, 2007 @ 11:35 am
I think some congratulations are in order here. I should win a prize for being the first one to get Mr. Sarcasm to be honest, yet more brutal than his typical sarcasm. It’s kind of sad, though. I learned from Spence that either: 1) I’m in most need of “the secret”, or 2) I am the one person in the world that is too stupid to benefit from it anyway. Yep, it must be good to be smart, guess I’ll never know.
Of course Spence could learn something from this. I treated his book idea with the same integrity he treats our ideas, careers, personal decisions, lifestyles, thoughts, and opinions; and what did it do??? It actually offended him. Maybe now he knows what it’s like to be on the other end for once? Ahhhh, probably not.
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 12:24 pm
that brings up a good point. this “secret” seems pretty important to spencer. maybe he could explain why? maybe if we understood the effect that it has had on your life, suspence, then we would know where you are coming from.
Comment by The Scam — April 28, 2007 @ 1:16 pm
Well I made that post last nigh in haste and anger. It is fine if you guys don’t want to read the book. It seemed as though you were makinng incorrect judgments on it with a lack of information. Now I am sure I do that on a regular basis. Ok Michael now I know what its like to be on the other end. It feels good. give you an oportunity to rip on other people, which for some reason I enjoy. I tell you it is quite funny how easy it is type things that you might not say in person.
Ok, so a little more info on The Secret. I am suprised non of you are familiar with it. It is based around the Law of Attraction. You are what you think. It helps you understand just how powerful your thoughts are. I think this is an important gospel principle that we might “know” about but definantly don’t use effectively. I think we greatly underestimate its power when applied to ourselves. I can tell you I have talked with people who I know and trust who have had amazing experiences with this. My experience with it is very limited over the past few weeks, but I have seen its effects even in small ways. Whether you think its not for you or not, I assume you guys understand the positive that can come from meditation. It is an important part of this process. And then further controlling your thoughts at all times. I again have just heard what other people have had to say and listened to about an hour of the 4 hour book so far. So my understanding is still very limited. But I am confident it is a true concept. So I will read the rest of the book and start to apply it more every day. I believe that if we all did this, we would have some pretty amazing experiences to share. Michael you and Cameron should test this concept over the next few days. think 100% positive about your finals coming up, only think about getting a great grade on it. Play it out in your mind doing perfect on it. Play out how you will react after doing this. Eliminate all negative thoughts about it. and keep that positive attitude constantly between now and when you are finished and celebrating your success.
I will be anxious to here the results of this.
I have to run, our flight leaves in a couple of hours. talk to you guys later.
Jimmy Out!!!!
Comment by jimmy — April 28, 2007 @ 2:05 pm
LOL, spencer not being negative, …. man that book must be worth its weight in gold! - this is jon
Comment by JennyTowns — April 28, 2007 @ 2:49 pm
Okay, actually, I truly believe in this concept. However, doing it is completely different.
Firstly, I accept your implied apology, Spence. Your argument certainly reminds me of the feelings I get when I try to HELP you and jon with motivation to eat better and train properly. Your reasons for getting upset are the same I experience and it isn’t fun to get that 100% of the time, especially when you know the people are serious.
For the record, I was yanking your chain (so to speak - this gay forum has got me saying things…). I was interested in this big secret, as I am always looking for ways to improve my mind. However, after looking into the advertisement of this movie and it looks, as you said, cheesy, I started to just assume it was either a religious ploy or simply a movie. I did not know if these assumptions were true, so I went to the source (you). I purposely jumped to a conclusion and condemnation to rattle your cage for two main reasons: 1) In hopes you could/would challenge me to prove me wrong (I honestly wanted to be wrong b/c, like I said, I want to take advantage of help out there), and 2) to have fun with it whether I was wrong or not. It was worth it because it was more fun than I thought it would be, and also because you have rekindled my hope that it’s worth trying.
Now back to the original topic. Like I said, I truly believe the concept Spence described above is the ultimate answer to everything (”everything” might be too strong, but you get the point). However, as Seth - if no one else - may be able to confirm, it isn’t so easy to control thoughts that are genetic and habitual. On the other hand, I KNOW it is possible and definitely should be a major goal for everyone. If this book can actually teach usable ways to do it (which is hard for me to have too much hope in), then that’d be amazing to say the least.
I think we should all give it a shot. Not only that, but we should practice it together afterwards. I will have to wait for this because I really don’t know if I will have time between now and my test. This studying is a slow process (well, for me it is since I can’t learn 3-minute studies within days of hardcore studying). I hope you guys don’t jump past me and leave me behind in this. I really want to give it a shot.
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 3:05 pm
ok you babies, lets just read “the secret” i’m sure we’ll all interested. But we decided on “slaughterhouse 5″ so i think we should keep our honor and read that first (its short and, i just bought it last night! : ) ) - JON AGAIN!
Comment by JennyTowns — April 28, 2007 @ 3:07 pm
You know, we can’t all have natural “secret” tendencies like Jon. But, yes, please do read slaughterhouse 5 first while I study.
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 3:21 pm
so somebody hoose a timeframe for slaugherhouse. read within one or 2 weks or whatever.
and michael are you going to try the positive thinking on your test.
no lie it just worked to get a great parking spot from someone leaving just like i was thinking positively about. i’m dead serious.
Comment by kramer — April 28, 2007 @ 3:31 pm
I’m honestly not equipped to think positively about most things in life. I’m naturally a glass-is-half-empty kind of guy. I can only think positively about my test if I study so much that I feel I know it very well. I certainly can’t assume I’m gonna just do well on open-ended, short-essay questions without thorough study. So I guess I’ll just have to wait until the next test after learning how to utilize the secret.
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 3:39 pm
I think thats the point Michael… you think positively, but you know the only way it will happen is if you study. So, by thinking positively you are reinforcing the behaviors you need to make it happen.
Comment by Seth — April 28, 2007 @ 4:21 pm
About this positive thinking phylosophy… I agree that the power of thought is life changing, it is like the ruder on a ship. I also feel that this is something that people should be learning from religious studies. How often are we told to meditate as we study and pray. We are taught to study it out in our minds and pray for help to accomplish what we thought of or for a stupor of thought if it is not the proper course of action. We are taught to pray about everything we do. So, logicaly we should be aplying this method of positive thinking to everything we do in our lives. Consciously and often throughout our days.
I am trying to do this. The power of positive thought is one of the main reasons I am here today. If I do not make a concsious and asserted effort to look at the good in my life, make goals, imagine their acomplishment and then work to bring those goals about, I can not function from day to day. I would have fallen into despair a long time ago. This action as well as divine help and guidance is why I am here. And for someone who has gone through serious depression, where I am at is a sucsess. And it gives me hope that I will enjoy continued success.
I will happily read this book. I still want to read slaughterhouse-5 as a group, because I really want to hear about Michael’s and Spencer’s points of view. That is the point of doing these readings. I don’t think we should start either book until Scam and Michael are ready (Spence, you’ll just have to read the Secret again I guess.) When are you both going to be done again? Let us know so we can make a schedule. I’ll take it upon myself to make a schedule and run it past you all (because I’m bored.) Also, if anyone has other suggestions for future books, let ‘em fly. Might as well be prepared for when we finish these two.
One last thought, Spence… does positive thinking include cutting out negativity in our relationships with others? Is this something we can expect… or do you plan to implement positivity in only a few areas of your life? Just curious.
Comment by Seth — April 28, 2007 @ 4:43 pm
well if you have put out negatvity or stupidity then it is my resposibility to enforce the law of nature, and return that negativity to you. it is a law of nature. and i am just a tool being used to enforce it. and like i have said it doesnt efect me neggativly.. i quite enjoy ripping on people.
well the captain said the plane will crash if i dont turn the phone off. hit you up in a few hours.
Mr Castanza out !!!
Comment by kramer — April 28, 2007 @ 4:59 pm
How did I put out stupidity? By saying we should be cautious of self help plans that claim to be spiritual in nature until we learn more about them. If you think that is stupid… you have bigger problems than playing natures stupidity cop. In fact, that attitude is probably part of the bigger problem. Hope you don’t crash the plane try’n to respond. Remember, serinity now!
Comment by Seth — April 28, 2007 @ 5:11 pm
well, if you had some positive thinking spence, the plane wouldn’t crash! LOL, that kinda sounds like Michael’s theory that everything you do is for your own benefit. Well, did u take your 360 to the beach spence? : ) doubt it, i’m thinking about playing some crackdown, or maybe some viva pinata tonight, sorry i missed you yesterday, Casino Royale just took it all out of me! well, john beck is still on the block, i really hope miami takes him in the second round, however, they passed on quinn which had the mob in an uproar. well jimmys, we are out! Out to dinner that is, hopefully kirsten doesn’t pop her pants and wipe it on the lady next to her like last time! - johnny out!
Comment by JennyTowns — April 28, 2007 @ 5:29 pm
I’m all done come Thursday. I am swamped until then with more than just studies.
Seth, you missed my point about this upcoming test. I said I am NOT EQUIPPED to think positively. Meaning, I will continue to get stressed, frustrated, and even scared every time something deters my studies (for example, forgetting a detail or mechanism later, having to take the dog out AGAIN, thinking of all the OTHER work I need to do, seeing all the studying still ahead, not knowing what - out of ALL the studying - will actually be on the test, etc). I simply can’t just think positively under these circumstances. I feel so behind in my studies right now.
If you guys wait for me, then I’d love to participate in slaughterhouse 5. Actually, Spence, it looks like just you and me for the secret. Maybe Scam too, but not sure. I think Seth already has it all figured out (maybe he should have been named along side the others that utilized it. It would have looked something like this: Plato, Leonardo, Galileo, Napoleon, Hugo, Beethoven, Lincoln, Edison, Einstein, Carnegie and Stephenson. Yeah, that’d sell!
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 5:56 pm
Oh yeah, they might want to throw “Cummings” up there next to “Stephenson” too.
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 6:04 pm
alot of good the “secret” did me. way to hold out on what it actually is until i’m done with my test. that’s right baby. i’m done. time to vegetate.
man, this secret thing is right in line with the gospel. its just like the doctrine of restoration. i also found it ironic that suspence is promoting the power of positive thinking while ripping little top a new one. i guess “positive” is also relative.
i’m down for slaughterhouse. i say we go for two weeks from the date that lil’ top finishes his tests. then we can dive into the secret. i’m into the secret. its sounds interesting.
Comment by The Scam — April 28, 2007 @ 6:09 pm
I’m not one to use the whole “LOL” thing, but, Scam… ROFLOL to the max!
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 6:13 pm
well my positie thinking outwayed your guys negative thoughts, and the plane landed safely.
yep sounds like seth has it down.
heres another tet for you guys. think positively and expect a good parking spot right up front next time. you’ll be amazed.
newman out !!!
Comment by kramer — April 28, 2007 @ 6:51 pm
Lil’ top, you are the one with all the point missing. I guess all you learned from soulfarce is to superimpose your preconceived ideas over what someone else is saying. “OH SNAP!”
My point was that you, especialy you, need to focus on the positive. This is the only way to get rid of the constant nagging doubt and discouraging thoughts. As someone who is prone to these thoughts, even when I am depressed, I am a lot better when I do this. I’m sure you could be too. It may seem impossible. I’m not saying that your natural tendencies will melt away… just saying that with a dedicated effort, you can begin to cope with those tendancies.
One other question for you gays… do only part of my posts show up? In almost every one I have said I would like to check out “The Secret”. But somehow no one seems to be reading that. I am very interested. As much as my positive thinking has helped… if there are other tricks or practices, I would love to incorporate them.
What do you guys think of this schedule?
Sunday May 6th-Begin The Secret
Saturday May 12th-Concluding comments about The Secret
Sunday May 13th-Begin Slaughterhouse-5
Saturday May 26th-concluding comments about Slaughterhouse-5
It gives Michael a few days to veg after his finals. And if there ends up not being very much to say about SH-5 we can cut it short. But I have a feeling there will be alot to say. Let me know if this sounds good.
Comment by Seth — April 28, 2007 @ 7:49 pm
I’m all up for the schedule. As for me, Seth has satisfied my needs for the book readings. Thank you, Seth.
I guess your posts aren’t showing up, Seth. That is unless my negativity just kept me from “hearing” those parts…
Although, I am convinced my negative-meter is correct when it detects more negativity than positivity from tuffy in regards to the secret.
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 7:58 pm
Hey Scam, it sure does feel good to veg after killing yourself for intense finals, huh! Of course that may depend on how well you did. I sure look forward to Thursday for that!!!!!
Did I make it clear that my official vote was IN FAVOR of Seth’s schedule? Okay, good.
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 8:02 pm
well i got a nice 22 ounce steak on its way out so i am verry excited. almost as excited as i am about the crab cakes that just showed up.
Comment by kramer — April 28, 2007 @ 8:50 pm
Spence, you are the worst. I’m so sad now… I want crab cakes!
Comment by Seth — April 28, 2007 @ 9:22 pm
boo on the schedule, you guys are like kiddies in a candy store, see something shinky, you forget all reason. What happened to reading slaughthouse 5 first? Hello? I guess outta sight outta mind. So mister beck went to the dolphins, good call! I just had a tasty burger and some over-cooked fries. You know that spencer was with a 5 dollar lady of the night and he got crabs, he was mad so he went back and said “hey, what the heck, you gave me crabs” The lady said, “what did you expect for 5 bucks; Lobster!” : )
Comment by JennyTowns — April 28, 2007 @ 9:37 pm
shinky is kinky and shiny! Lol, actually a typo
Comment by JennyTowns — April 28, 2007 @ 9:37 pm
Well now we know what was on tuffy’s mind with the creation of “shinky”.
Also interesting to see two different mindsets of your friends: One being anxious to get started with something that I even think HE was the one with the original idea in the first place, but still considers his friends and their circumstances and is therefore CONSIDERATE, and the other who just wants whatever he wants and doesn’t really care about his other friend’s circumstances. Either way, tuffy’s vote is only worth one, and now it’s 2 to 1 in favor of Seth’s schedule.
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 9:51 pm
Well I have to admit you folks have been talking about slaughter house for a while. So we probably should read it first. So its a tie ballgame. And that was an interesting joke jon. the only person I have gotten crabs from lately is your mom.
P.S that steak was to die for. Well off to the beach.
Jon Jon out !!!!
Comment by jimmy — April 28, 2007 @ 10:03 pm
Of course tuffy’s girlfriend steps in to support him. Seth, are you going to stick to your belief in equal opportunity for all friends? Scam, what’s your vote?
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 10:10 pm
Mindsets are for people that are searching for one in the first place. I doubt we’ll even read any books, just like we’ll probably never get together again! LOL, so i might as well start reading slaughterhouse since i just got moby dick this week as well and i’m sorta anxious to get to that. ……….also, equal opportunity is the tool of the devil, just look at the women’s rights movement, the start of the current demise of the family institution.
Comment by JennyTowns — April 28, 2007 @ 10:43 pm
don’t foget to clean the sand out of your crack suspence
Comment by JennyTowns — April 28, 2007 @ 10:44 pm
Tuffy, let’s do a little math:
You have 2 books. You have 1 week to yourself. You’re anxious to read both books. Your friends want to read 1 of the books with you in 1 week. How can you accomplish this?
A. Read your porn this week. Then read the other book with your friends. Good job!
Comment by Michael — April 28, 2007 @ 10:56 pm
So, I just made the schedule the way it was to get spence to read sh-5… but if he is willing to sacrifice, I say swap ‘em back. So on Sunday May 6th we start sh-5 and i figure we can decide by monday wether we need one week or two. What ever we decide, The Secret comes next… definantley only need a week on that one. And then, momma rex, I totaly wanna read Moby Dick with ya. I’ve always wanted to read it, and I think Scam had a class on it so hopefuly he’ll have some good insights. So, hope you all can be happy with that!
As for The Secret… 2 things:
1. Everytime I think about it, it reminds me of the “Secrets” scetchs on the Connan O show. Some of his funniest stuff.
2. I watched the video tonight. Pretty meladramatic… but the actual points were very cool. It was pretty much what I expected, but I had never thought about using it in every area of my life. With as much as it has helped me deal with the depresion though, I will definantley be giving it a try. But I am excited to read the book and see what you gays think.
Sa da tay!
Comment by Seth — April 29, 2007 @ 3:24 am
Oh. Was it just an argument as to whether we started the secret or slaught 5 on May 6th? Okay, I guess my negativity just didn’t see it that way. No prob.
Comment by Michael — April 29, 2007 @ 10:55 am
My last post hasn’t shown up. Let’s see if this post makes it happen.
Comment by Michael — April 29, 2007 @ 12:07 pm
Comment by Michael — April 29, 2007 @ 12:07 pm
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