February 14, 2008
Happy V-Day to all you Saps!
Filed under: Uncategorized — jtuffy @ 10:27 am
Lets see if we can get this thing going.
Ok, i commit to blog everyday for the rest of february. Lets see what we’ve got! Anyone there??
Comment by jtuffy — February 14, 2008 @ 11:04 am
Huckabee is McCain’s lapdog! That is my thoughts of this political catastrophe unfolding before us
Comment by jtuffy — February 14, 2008 @ 11:30 am
I don’t know what Huckabee is… but I know that he will forever be remembered for his “I don’t believe in math, I believe in miracles” quote. He has been getting blasted from all sides of the media for that one.
Orson Scott Card has a great article on his website about moderates and the problems with the two party system and those two parties themselves. Well woth a read if you get a chance.
Here’s a question. What do you guys think about Idaho Senator Larry Craig and his public restroom exploits? People around here just don’t seem to care. It is retarded to me, that all these Idahoans who hate Clinton for his extramarital affairs are just overlooking this. The ethics comitee just came down on him, saying he has embaressed the Senate and they feel he is using his position to avoid punishment and he responded that they are wrong and he will keep his seat. His hypocrisy pales in comparison to that of his constituents.
Also… how about this stimulas package? What are your big plans to stimulate the ecomony?
Comment by Seth — February 14, 2008 @ 1:04 pm
Yeah, the Senator Craig thing is a joke, that monkey should be tossed to the curb, i can’t believe the apathy of people that just sit around and don’t care about things.
Ah, the stimulus package! I think ours is going to some furniture we are paying off. I’ve vowed to never do one of those no interest things again. Its nice that you don’t have to pay for a while and even a wise money decision if you look at the numbers, but i just hate having monthly payments for anything. Even cars!
Comment by jtuffy — February 14, 2008 @ 1:10 pm
So anyone have any plans for the weekend? Just playing some CoD tonight and playing b-ball tomorrow. Probably painting the kitchen too.
Comment by jtuffy — February 15, 2008 @ 1:08 pm
I’m going to be hanging dry wall. It’s gonne be awsome…
Comment by Seth — February 15, 2008 @ 5:44 pm
Hanging drywall, always a classic! I don’t mind the hanging, its the mudding that is a beast!
Comment by jtuffy — February 16, 2008 @ 8:10 pm
Well… I ended up blowing insulation into the ceilings instead of drywalling. It wasn’t too bad, but I can’t imagine how much it would suck during the summer!
So… any word on Spencer’s weight loss? We were just talking about our plans this summer. I guess Rachel’s family are buying tickets for Rachel and the kids to fly down, but not me because they are hoping I’ll get a job. Anyway, I was wondering where we are going for our trip? It better be a good one… I need a quality vacation after building the house! And if I need to start sending Spence some goodies to make sure he pays for the trip, let me know!
Comment by Seth — February 16, 2008 @ 8:20 pm
Well you crazy guys are out of your minds. McCain is exactly what we need. Thank goodness enough Americans out there could see that. Romney’s supporting states follow the same path the Mormons took to Utah. It’s time to get some real military power in there. And about the economy, McCain has the right idea. He’s the only one that will stand up and go against the conservative book to do the right thing. Have you checked McCain’s record? When he fights for something against the major conservatives, he’s right and it’s pretty amazing. That’s why he’s where he is, because history keeps proving him right. Funny how the only things that Romney stood up for were the things he couldn’t get around any longer, and then his position changed with the popular opinion. Flip-flop central. Good thing he’s out and endorsing the right man for the job. And that should tell you guys something (tuffy), that you should support McCain, even if it’s just to prevent crazy Hillary or no-experience Barack “Hope” Obama from making us the biggest laughingstock. What a joke! You know what’s really funny about Obama? His strongest argument when it comes to the war is that “Hillary voted for it; but he’s been against it from the very beginning (unlike McCain, the one that said he’d be there for 100 years - ridiculous).” Do you notice how he never says how he VOTED for the war??? Because he wasn’t even around to vote for it. I’m sure he was against the war, sitting and yelling at his TV! Okay, you guys chew on this for a while.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 11:49 am
So should we talk about McCains flip-flopping on illegal immigration or about tax cuts???? Huh Huh Huh? What a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive!!! I’m actually going to vote for Romney in the upcoming primaries here in PA, or at least for Ron Paul. The votes probably won’t matter but at least i’m voting for a true american! Someone that has earned their money instead of siphioning it off from the people while they sit on their litte irrelevant committees.
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 11:54 am
Oh my nellie! Of all the crazy things to say about a man that fought and spent 5.5 years POW for you! He deserves to take some of our money. We owe guys like him. And, there’s a difference between flip-flopping and simply having to revamp your plan because it was defeated (immigration). Also, he ACCOMPLISHED what he set out to do with the tax cuts. He voted against them because spending was too high + the war was beginning and we didn’t know the cost at that time. As time passed, he reached a point where he could support the cuts responsibly. No flipping flip-floppin here. And yes, talk about a waste of a vote if you send it to Ron Paul. I’d be ashamed. Most people probably don’t even know that the ol’ codger is still in the “race!”
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 12:16 pm
Oh, and McCain’s lady is rich.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 12:16 pm
Yeah, is that the story the media has been spinning for you, while they spin Romney as a flopper??? Yes we should take care of POWs but that doesn’t mean give him a cush job because he wasn’t a good enough pilot! LOL. And yes, it is good to see that he dumped his 1st wife for a more politically rich one! Good morals there!
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 12:54 pm
So, on another note, are all systems go for the weekend right after my B-day? You know, the day that all your friends give you presents? Big presents. Really big, flat presents.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 12:56 pm
I doubt he dumped her. He can’t help it if she isn’t into that kind of thing.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 12:57 pm
I found this comment on a foxnews blog, its pretty funny
I have been struggling with my choice to vote for McCain. I know he cheated on his first wife and left her for Cindy since she was a hot 25 year old while he was 42. I know he took over $150,000 from Charles Keating and then tried to give him special favors. I know he tried to push for amnesty for illegal alien criminals. I know that McCain has no integrity at all but still, he was shot down in a plane 40 years ago. Maybe I should listen to Bush… or maybe not.
That about sums it up right there!
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 1:20 pm
I have a nice big picture of Jesus you can hang on your wall doms!!
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 1:21 pm
You know what news channel I watch the least? Fox. You know which I watch the most? MSNBC. I hate Fox soooooooooo much. They are the biggest losers. The best anchor (is that the correct spelling?) on Fox is the DEMOCRAT - Colmes! “Fair and balanced,” what a load in tuffy’s pants! (a stinky one, not an unrealistic load)
And, the Keating thing is stupid. Three people were to blame for that. McCain and another guy were guilty by association.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 1:46 pm
Hey, i don’t let the media form my opinion. I was just taking a quote from there. Guily by association? Puleeze you are blinded my friend, so the 150K just jumped in his pocket? LOL
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 1:49 pm
So when are you going to get a TV doms???
Does anyone have any plans for the summer, are we ever going to get together like we said, Scam mentioned some time in the fall
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 1:57 pm
Well apparently you do! And yes, the 150 K did practically just jump into his pocket! That’s what happens when people want to support your campaign. It was suspicious because McCain hadn’t ever really done anything for Keating. And I’m telling you, if you don’t ever watch MSNBC, then you should. You will see how much LESS bias they are compared to Fags.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 2:08 pm
I do plan to get a TV somewhat soon. I finally got my first paycheck for this semester. It was long overdue, and my bills were almost the same. So now we have to review our budget to see what we can do. Things have been so bad that I haven’t even priced any new ones.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 2:11 pm
I think we need to redeem ourselves at Vegas. SP never made an actual appearance (I don’t think anyway…). Plus, I think I need to find out if it’s true - if you go black, you never go back!
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 2:21 pm
LOL, oh man, that is too funny! Ya, we definitely need to get “The Boss” involved!
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 2:40 pm
Too bad seth is out blowing his neighbor. I mean blowing his neighbor’s insulation. We needed an extra voice today. And too bad scam is out blowing his teachers. I mean blowing his teachers.
If you have anything else to say or get a response to, then you’d better say it quick. I’m about to have to quit for the day…
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 2:45 pm
LOL, come on doms, its just getting good, well for Seth and Cameron anyways!
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 2:50 pm
there is no blowing going on in my territory. on either end.
i’m not voting this go around. maybe i’ll do a write in for fred thompson. seriously, don’t the scriptures talk about how destruction will ensue when the people start electing crap heads for leaders. we’re all pretty much screwed at this point.
Comment by The Scam — February 18, 2008 @ 3:02 pm
I agree, it is just prophesy taking its course!!!
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 3:06 pm
And Scam, you should at least write in a sensible choice, like Romney! He could at least be a long-shot! However; Thompson is in my fav “The hunt for red october”
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 3:13 pm
You guys are just bitter that Romney was beaten fair and square. I know something that will make you guys feel much, much better about McCain… read about him! Actually learn the truth about him and his record. That should cure your ignorant hatred.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 3:14 pm
If that is what you call fair and square, two weaker opponents politicking 1 person out, then that is exactly where my hatered of these “old boy” politics. McCain has lived off the fat hog of washington his whole life, he is washington and that is how washington will remain.
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 3:18 pm
You know, Romney is only one step above Bill Clinton when it comes to military experience (assuming Romney didn’t skip the draft too). Bill made grave mistakes with his ignorance. Romney would do the same. Even aside from the military, Bill and Romney are similar. They’d both go in from governorships and not know what in the flip is going on. Romney would get rocked like Bill did, but I don’t think Romney’s got what it takes upstairs to pull it off in the end like ol’ billy-boy seems to have. You’ve got to know how to play the game and McCain does. Not only that, but he knows how to fight within the rules to get things done (check his record).
Anyway, I’ve got to get out of here real quick…
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 3:31 pm
Okay, I’ve got to go. You may feel more free to blog crazy things that have no basis while I’m gone, but remember… MAC will be back!
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 18, 2008 @ 3:37 pm
Ok, Michael Allen Coday, if McCain has it upstairs, how come he barely made it through military school, he rode the coat-tails of his father untill he maxed out his military career??? When Romney on the other hand is a self-made man with degrees from BYU and Harvard??? You are going to say he doesn’t have it upstairs??? Come on MAC! The is only one word (with a hyphen) that explains this GOP race….. anti-mormon. The only reason Romney didn’t steamroll to the presidency! And you and i know it.
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 3:47 pm
i agree. in reality, what does military experience have to do with leading a country with so many more facets than just the military. economy, agriculture, foreign relations, shmoozing - you don’t learn any of that in the military.
i’m not saying that romney would have fulfilled any sort of prophecy, just that with what we are left with doesn’t bode well for the future.
Comment by The Scam — February 18, 2008 @ 4:32 pm
clemens - steroids or no steroids? DOMS, you’re the expert.
Comment by The Scam — February 18, 2008 @ 4:32 pm
I’ll weigh in on this one too, The rocket was definitely juicing! Come on, the man is a dinosaur and he can still pitch like that, no way that is natural.
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 4:45 pm
plus, he’s way to vigilant in trying to defend himself. there are just way too many things that are wrong with his case. he should have just kept his mouth shut and let the storm blow over.
baseball’s lame anyway. you never see soccer players using HGH.
Comment by The Scam — February 18, 2008 @ 5:19 pm
i heard steroid users resemble big erections. they walk around all veiny and bulging. i thought that was pretty funny.
Comment by The Scam — February 18, 2008 @ 5:46 pm
Scam - You obviously didn’t hear that from Kressyda!
Comment by jtuffy — February 18, 2008 @ 9:24 pm
MAC you are outa control. Where have you been learning all this about McCain, in some anti mormon literature. I think Romney still had a chance of winning when he bailed out, but he is a smart business man and it wasn’t worth the risk of all that money. I do think in the end we will have to vote for McCain. He will be the lesser of 2 evils. They are all idiots at the end of the day and don’t have any business running the country. I don’t understand how the best country in the world can’t produce some better leadership. None of the 3 people left in the race are true leaders. Its bad enough to disagree with their politics, but for them to be so un-respectable, and pathetic. Obama should be leading a black power movement, not the country. McCain should just retire, and keep the eating the viagra to keep his 25 year old happy. And can you imagine Hillary and Bill in the white house again. Can you imagine the scandals bill would cause. i can’t hardly imagine it. And you guys have probably heard this before, but if clinton wins that will mean that that 2 families would have been running the country for 28 years. This is the best country in the world and we can only come up with 2 families in 30 years to rule the world. pure craziness.
Cameron, Why would a soccer player need to take steroids. Its not even a sport. you don’t take steroids for bowling, ping pong, or other hobbies like soccer. If girls can play the game, then it isn’t a true sport. honestly give me 6 months and i could be a top soccer player.
Clemens probably took steroids. I would bet that well over 50 % of all atheletes in the 3 major sports have taken or are taking steroids. Clemens made like 20 million last year for pitching like 10 games. of course he would take steroids to make 20 million. Don’t act like any of you wouldn’t.
Well the boss is definantly ready to go back to vegas. We could do a little desert riding on the RZR during the day and hit the town at night. I guaruntee I would have you guys in tears in the passenger seat of the RZR. Of course its all up to MAC and Scam. you guys are the ones that will barely be able to pencil anthing in to your schedules, or have a hard time taking your skirt off long enough to make a decision.
and MAC, all the news stations are biased. Fox is just the least biased, and when they are it is in the directions i like.
Comment by Mit Romney — February 19, 2008 @ 1:58 am
Oh my goodness… so, before I posted I went and read a little more about mccain and now I like him even less! His military record is horrible… he was in 3 accidents before he was shot down (though he only caused two) and had a record as a poor student and a rogue who didn’t like to follow orders. Good thing he had dady’s coat tails to ride until he found his place in Washington!
And Michael, your right… he definantly knows how to play the game! That’s exactly why we need to get him outa here… because washington doesn’t work. We try to blame this president or that, but it’s the whole system.
Man… I’m bored with this election. this election is boring.
On an unrelated note, there was a special on the history channel about the history of the joke. Very funny, I highly recomend it and I’ll leave you with a snippet from the show…
A pirate walks into a bar and he has this big ship stearing wheel on his pants. The bar tenders ask him why he has a stearing wheel on his pants and the pirate replies, “It drives me nuts.”
Comment by Seth — February 19, 2008 @ 2:13 am
Woa… i missed the Spence Report. So, it would be awsome if more master chess players took steroids! Can you imagine them getting all flustered and then ripping each other up? Awsome…
And Spence becomeing a soccer player in 6 months? Hows that weight loss goal coming?
Comment by Seth — February 19, 2008 @ 2:20 am
Okay, credit to seth for the soccer/spence roast at the end there. But, you certainly have to read more than two one-liners from anti-mcCain.com about McCain’s record. Notice how there’s not a single - again, not ONE SINGLE - person out there, for or against, that denies that McCain is truly a hero. Open your eyes ladies.
Now, I’ll tell you this, and listen to me carefully; Bonds, Clemens, soccer player Bob, Joe Smoe, and his dad ALL USE STEROIDS. They are so prevalent you wouldn’t even believe. All sports are using them. Surprisingly, there are so many forms available that they are easily hidden from detection - yes, you heard me, not even a drug test can find a lot of the performance enhancing drugs out there. It’s a big deal.
Clemens has everything to lose. Of course he is going to lie his brains out in hopes to get away with it and not lose everything he shot up for. Funny, Clemens initially used a technicality to claim his innocence: When people hear “human growth hormone” they think “steroids.” BUT HGH is not a “steroid.” It is a peptide hormone. So, when Clemens was accused of taking HGH, he vowed to have never, ever, ever, taken any STEROIDS. See the humor?
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 19, 2008 @ 3:06 am
Thanks for helping us “see the humor”!
What is a hero? Seriously, the word seems to get thrown around alot. McCain himself said that they were bombing the same targets over and over again and that the targets they were bombing were of no consequence. So, getting shot down while not accomplishing anything in the first place and then trying to stay alive makes you a hero? Or is it the part where he used his naval conections to end up in a bomber, despite his poor flight record, instead of in the jungle? I’m still kinda lost on this one…
I’ll admit there may have been heroic acts… but mostly it just sounds like self preservation on every level.
Comment by Seth — February 19, 2008 @ 10:23 am
I agree, the heros are the ones that generally don’t come back, That word is thrown around too often. Plus he was doing his job. Yes in a sense he was a hero i guess, like you would think about firefighters or policemen. But people that demonstrate self-less acts for the good of others in dangerous situations, now that is a hero.
Oh and the pirate joke was hilarious!!!!
And yes everyone takes steriods, even Doms, he’ll be appearing before capital hill soon. What a joke, that is another thing wrong with Washington, why in the world is a baseball player testifying before congress about juicing up! My tax dollars at work!!
Comment by jtuffy — February 19, 2008 @ 10:30 am
Okay, I’ve explained to tuffy why McCain is a hero. It’s definitely for more reasons than simply being a veteran and POW. When the Vietnamese learned who McCain was (his father’s status), he became a special interest to them. To make a long story short, McCain held to the recently established (after the Korean war I think) code of naval POWs where you cannot accept special favors over other prisoners, and you go home on a first come first to leave basis. When McCain was captured, there were other prisoners that had been there for over a year already (or much more). When some guys got the chance to leave before these prisoners, they took it. McCain didn’t. He denied chances to leave and instead got beaten for years and put into solitary confinement for two years. Even more honorable about this is that even his fellow prisoners told him he was the exception to the code because he was in such bad shape (two broken arms, broken leg, and stabbed by Vietnamese captures at the time of his capture). He was in worse shape than the other prisoners from the get-go and he was expected to die. So, if for no other reason, he is a hero for refusing to go home before the other prisoners that were captured before him. That’s a hero. And I’m sure bombing any part of the enemy is more significant than you guys are giving credit. The enemy was obviously guarding that area quite heavily. Regardless, he’s even more of a hero for risking his life for what he was ordered to do.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 19, 2008 @ 1:19 pm
I’ll give him the honor status for that, he was honoring the code, but that doesn’t make him a war hero.
Comment by jtuffy — February 19, 2008 @ 1:43 pm
These are Hero’s
Comment by jtuffy — February 19, 2008 @ 1:48 pm
dude, i’ll say anyone that survives a prison camp is a hero in my book. i don’t care how they got there. even if i see a license plate that says POW i start to get choked up. those guys are ridiculous.
but, heroes don’t necessarily make good leaders. its not a valid syllogism. not all heros are leaders, nor are all leaders the heroes.
but sometimes it does work - see, i’m spencer’s hero AND i’m his leader.
Comment by The Scam — February 19, 2008 @ 2:48 pm
man, gordon and shughart are epitome of man. not only do they exemplify heroism, it is bravery and brotherhood at its finest.
take that, hillary.
Comment by The Scam — February 19, 2008 @ 2:59 pm
McCain shoulda just became a great golfer while a pow. haven’t you heard the story of the guy who played a round of golf in his head everyday for 2 years as a POW. then when he got out his first time playing he shot a perfect score. McCain shoulda done that Instead of thinking about his 50 year plan to rule the world. I agree with cameron just being a POW or a hero doesn’t make him a leader.
Seth I am sure even at 244 and 1/2 pounds i could be a great soccor player. its easy cheesey. So on the bet seth. Lets spice it up. I came up with a dooosie of an idea this morning. Lets extend the bet to June first. If i don’t lose the weight, i will pay you $1500. if i do lose it, You will have to work a reall job for 3 months. fulltime!!! minimun 40 hours a week for 3 months. not at a game shop. you have to earn atleast $8 per hour. Think you can handle that. Seems like a win win. you will get money iether way. one way you will get money and self respect.
Michael i would offer this to you, but we all know MAC and earning money were not meant to be together.
Scam how about you. you want a piece of the action. you gonna get a job when you graduate, or go travel the world with Carrie to save the little chinese kids making nike’s for us.
Comment by mitt — February 19, 2008 @ 4:58 pm
No thanks spence, I need the 1k to buy a kiln so I can start working on getting some work into galleries. That’s my goal for this summer. I’ll most likely have a job anyway, because I don’t know how I can afford the equipment I need without a job or a loan… and I would rather not take out a loan at this point.
And, I really think you guys have made this point better than I have. Mccain has done some heroic things for sure, but it doesn’t qualify him to be a leader. He should just stick to the senate.
Comment by Seth — February 19, 2008 @ 7:15 pm
I never said McCain was a good leader for his heroic acts. I ONLY gave the proper argument that he is indeed a true hero because you guys were saying he is not. You guys should be politicians yourselves since you are so good at spinning. (By spinning, I’m not talking about seth’s goals for the summer)
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 19, 2008 @ 8:33 pm
I would love to be in politics, i would fire everyone one of those monkeys as my fist act!
Come on now spence, when is the last time you worked out?
Comment by jtuffy — February 19, 2008 @ 10:46 pm
I found this interesting…
Romney Graduated with honors,
*Cumlaude-Harvard Law School,
*Baker Scholar-MBA Harvard,
*Spent 30 months serving his faith in France,
*Created a 10 billion dollar business,
*(never dumped his wife for one 18 years younger with a beer distributorship),
*Earned millions by Saving and Creating literally hundreds of business’ and tens of thousands of jobs.
*Turned around the Olympics, and a State (Mass.) from the red to the black.
*Rode the coat-tails of his father
*Got Shot down
*Accepts bribes under the table
I still can’t get over the bigotry of this country. If Romney wasn’t a Mormon, he’d probably already be moving the fam into the oval office!
Comment by jtuffy — February 19, 2008 @ 11:18 pm
Except for that pesky lack of military experience. We should have learned our lesson with Bill Clinton. Hypothetically, Romney gets elected… they ask him, “Mr. President, what do you want us to do about this new threat in XXXXXX?” Romney: “Uhhhhhh, do they need money?” “No, Mr. President. We need to know how you want the military to respond.” Romney: “Uhhhhhhh, did you… uhhhhhhhh… FIGHT THEM!!” “Sir, how do you want to fight them?” Romney: “Uhhhhhhhhhh, HARD! Now, about that economy of ours…”
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 20, 2008 @ 12:06 am
you guys are all so clever it cracks me up.
Seth i don’t know that i agreed to donate $1000 to your non profit pottery foundation.
Comment by Mit Romney — February 20, 2008 @ 1:17 am
And here is McCains response to dealing with issues other than war. ……….” uh…is it time for my meds yet……..what time is my good buddy Bob Barker on?” There is much more about being the leader of the world than knowing how to drop bombs on people. They need to be a leader; which label cannot be attached to any of the current candidates. I can’t believe that in all of america this is who we come up with??? Are we serious??
Comment by jtuffy — February 20, 2008 @ 8:49 am
Seriously… military leadership? Is he going to second guess the joint chiefs the way he did in vietnam? Just what we need, a military maveric to overextend our military forces! While all the time sinking us further into economic disparity instead of retaking our status as the most powerful nation in the world. It doesn’t matter how strong our military is, if we don’t regain and make significant strides ahead economicaly… we all might as well learn chinesse (or indian)!
Comment by Seth — February 20, 2008 @ 10:40 am
Don’t tell me everyone is blogged out…
Comment by Seth — February 20, 2008 @ 11:38 am
Not me, just a little busy, but will be bloging away in a couple of hours!!
Comment by jtuffy — February 20, 2008 @ 11:47 am
The more you guys (and especially you girls, seth) talk, the more I see that you guys haven’t paid a bit of attention to the way McCain handles war and international affairs. He is very smart and has a long history of proving himself in this regard. EVERYONE, except you guys, knows that he is superior and uncontested. Every time he’s gone against the military advisors, he’s been right. As of now, he strongly believes in General Petraeus. One very cool incident occurred during a debate(?). Romney was speaking saying, “[The measures taken in Iraq] are apparently working…,” when he was interrupted by McCain saying, “They ARE working, sir. The measures in Iraq ARE working.” It was quite striking the authority McCain had. It was even more elaborate than I am mentioning here. The catch to this whole thing is that General Petraeus was actually days away from his announcement of his report of whether the war was actually working or not (and as you know, his report was that the war is working, just as McCain had said with confidence and authority). I’m sure you girls won’t acknowledge this or any of the many other actions that have proven his leadership abilities and shrewd judgment.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 20, 2008 @ 1:37 pm
So he is “superior and uncontested” because he can cut someone off and yell “ARE”? LOL, And who is to say the war is or is not “working” what the heck is that supposed to mean? What is a working war? I think the reason that doms is so livid about McCain is because he always likes to go against the grain in what we say. And he knew that it would get a rise going against a Mormon. The bottom line is McCain = Washington thinking; which is to say Politics will always be politics, dirty and ignorant, feeding off the superficial notions of the uneducated!
Comment by jtuffy — February 20, 2008 @ 3:28 pm
Oh, so you want “change” then huh. Obama sounds like your man. Romney was around way too long (especially with his political father) to claim such change (although he did so using Obama’s signs and key phrases, which was just dickless). Yep, you need ONE guy to be elected to go in and change all of Washington - all those guys that are determined to NOT change and have the votes to prove and deny the Obama-Romney “change.” Man, you’re the kind of guy that is voting Obama into a disastrous single term. You probably faint and wet your pants every time Obama says, “Washington says I can’t do it; but I say yes I can!”
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 20, 2008 @ 3:37 pm
I never said i wanted to “change” the country, i just want to change Washington. McCain is definitely the lesser of two evils, but that still doesn’t make him great.
Comment by jtuffy — February 20, 2008 @ 3:41 pm
Okay then, don’t waste your vote. Don’t be a Glenn Beck - a transparent Mormon vowing to vote for Obama just to teach the republicans a lesson for not nominating Romney.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 20, 2008 @ 3:44 pm
Speaking of Obama, did you hear what his wife said? That she is proud of our country for the first time (in 25 years?). I think that is absolutely ridiculous to say.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 20, 2008 @ 3:46 pm
She is an absolute idiot. She needs to travel outside the US. We live in a country where we can roam free, buy guns, go to good schools, buy freaking fruit loops at the grocery store, eat a $100 steak and a nice restaurant, play video games on our huge flat screen TVs in big houses with cars parked in the driveway! This country needs to keep the good and change WASHINGTON!!! Who keep wanted to dump more and more social programs on us, that may people, weak, dependendant and eventually ungrateful and entitled!!
Comment by jtuffy — February 20, 2008 @ 3:49 pm
Well, I’ve got to get out of here. I have class at 4 and I have to finish reviewing for a presentation for next week. I may get to get on the blog at about 2 PM tomorrow. Until then…
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 20, 2008 @ 3:56 pm
alright, i’ve been struck down by the super flu. life sucks. but i’ve scraped up enough energy to blog. all because i love you guys.
you can chit chat all you want about mccain and his war stories, but if you look at his actions in office it shows that he’s far from conservative and does as much flip flopping as the rest of them. that’s what gets me.
besides, the best presidents haven’t been military guys. lincoln, reagan, truman, etc. then think about the duds: eisenhower (didn’t do anything), Grant (didn’t do anything), George W. (self explanatory). the exceptions might be washington.
Comment by The Scam — February 20, 2008 @ 9:33 pm
You’re obviously another product of the media (democrat are you???). You should cover your private parts, scam, b/c they’re showing. Romney’s middle name is Flip-Flop, and his mistress didn’t start that.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 20, 2008 @ 9:46 pm
And I’m sorry to hear about your illness. At least you didn’t have to bear that painful flu shot though!
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 20, 2008 @ 9:48 pm
Doms - you like calling everyone a democrat who isn’t a McCain supporter, Maybe we should start calling McCain supporters Democrats! So Dem-Doms, you obviously have never looked into all of McCains senate work, just go look at his supported bills. Quit buying into all the media hype. And what about the info that just surfaced that he had some relationships with one of his lobyist or boosters?
Comment by jtuffy — February 21, 2008 @ 8:26 am
We all knew it was just a matter of time before they pulled something like this. I know his supported bills. If you think the pure conservative is ALWAYS right, then you’ve got issues yourself. He has some 86% overall conservative rating after all these years and all his fights against them. I’d say that’s pretty conservative. Trust me, the media doesn’t give him credit, so that isn’t where I get my answers.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 21, 2008 @ 9:01 am
Hey, did you hear that Romney got 20% of the WA primary votes just a few days ago, while the Huckster got 21% and McLiar got 49% I’d say that is pretty good considering that Romney isn’t even in the race! LOL, I’m going to write him in for the PA voting coming up!
Comment by jtuffy — February 21, 2008 @ 9:47 am
“Trust me…” Wow, that’s scary!
I don’t know why you think the media picks on McCain so much, he is a media darling (albeit a grotesque grinchy looking media darling)! Most of America thought that McCain had all the part support. Because… that’s how the media spun it! Even though Romney was really the one with the party support, the media painted him as a flip flopper and no one realized that he was just a good leader until the damage was done.
It’s sad… I missed Idaho’s caucus because only the republican caucus was talked about on the news and the demacratic caucus was two weeks earlier! I drove past the community center the day after and saw a little blurb about it on the marquee and realized i missed it, d’Oh. Oh well… theres always 2012.
Comment by Seth — February 21, 2008 @ 1:18 pm
What so you wanted to vote in the dem caucus????
Comment by jtuffy — February 21, 2008 @ 4:34 pm
Gee wiz, that doesn’t surprise me - seth wants “change” too. Seth, you have no credibility when you say that Romney lost simply because the media painted him as a flip flopper; and that McCain is a “media darling.” Romney got more positive media than McCain. Not only that, but McCain was always the target of media criticism and remains even on the republican-biased broadcasts. Romney did as good as he did for a lot of reasons BUT the absolute biggest ones were MONEY and MORMONS. That’s what made such a huge difference. Don’t even start to say money doesn’t matter. If it didn’t, then Giuliani would have done better before Florida (the only place he was spending money) and Romney wouldn’t have spent so much being the great business man he is. You Mormons are so blind. You just can’t accept the fact that Romney wasn’t the best candidate. I feel like I’m the Mormon and you guys are the anti-Mormons stating crap.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 21, 2008 @ 7:31 pm
Doms… it is impossible to talk to you. You only hear the words you put in other peoples mouths. You just addressed an argument no one made! Seriously… I can’t take anything you say seriously. but I forgot, you said, “Trust me…” so it’s all good… you and McCain are right there with the compeling arguments! lol
Comment by Seth — February 21, 2008 @ 8:47 pm
LOL, too funny! Doms as a Mormon, that is definitely rich! Those are the two reasons that Romney didn’t win, Money and Mormonism. And you admited already the mormon bit over the phone many times, so don’t try to be a McCain flip flopper! And money, people hate success, they hate seeing successful people because they are not. They would rather have dirty money than self-made money.
Comment by jtuffy — February 21, 2008 @ 9:58 pm
Oh puleez. I did not say I believe he would have won if he weren’t Mormon. I said the opposite, but I also said we’ll never know for sure. He did do good by spending tons of money. Tons. Of. Money. Straight up.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 21, 2008 @ 10:59 pm
Hello? Just because he raised more funds… If McCain raised as much he would have spent as much!
And, of course I want change! You don’t? This is what I really want to know… do you believe the system is without flaw? And, if there are flaws, why wouldn’t you want to fix them? The only people who have something to gain from leaving the system the way it is are the politicians who are riding high on the hog. Saying you don’t want change makes about as much sense as a soup sandwich.
Comment by Seth — February 22, 2008 @ 11:25 am
I hate it when comments don’t show up and you have to type filler comments until they do!
Comment by Seth — February 22, 2008 @ 11:25 am
Well, i don’t want to change the country, i just want to change the people that are running it. We have to many social programs nowadays and too many politicians taking the tax payer’s dollar.
Comment by jtuffy — February 22, 2008 @ 11:48 am
Hey, this country is great… our system of government is great. There are just some flaws. All I’m saying is that the system could work better and that we should always be looking for ways to accomplish that. Isn’t that pretty much the essence on campaigning, the politician talking about what they want to change?
As for social programs… do you really think there are too many? Or, are there just massive flaws in their structure and horrible managment of these programs? We have social programs in our religion… I think we should support government run social programs as well, but we should demand that they are run in a way that doesn’t hinder or even cripple those they are supposed to help. We are building our home through a social program, but it is a program that rewards people that are willing to take initiative and work for themselves and that requires us to pay back what was borowed. These programs should be there to help people achieve the american dream… and that means teaching them to work, not sending them a meal ticket in the mail.
It really seems like the American dream has become “something for nothing”. I look at people around me, especialy young people, and they have these really unhealthy atitudes of entitlement. Where do you guys think these atitudes are coming from and what can be done to combat/corect them?
Comment by Seth — February 22, 2008 @ 12:25 pm
When these campaigns promise change, it’s to win votes. Change always sounds good, no matter what. “The grass is always greener” isn’t a common phrase for nothing. People don’t even know what change means. They just hear it, and want it. It’s a very ambiguous promise. It’s like good lyrics to a song - everyone applies them to their own lives and actually believe it’s solely what the lyrics mean. If all you want is a few more programs here and there - and that’s what YOU perceive as “change” - then go petition for it yourself.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 22, 2008 @ 2:05 pm
And I don’t know why you want to vote democrat if you’re concerned about everyone getting something for nothing. That’s what democrat means.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 22, 2008 @ 2:06 pm
I agree with all points in comments 86, 87, and 88. However, i do think there are too many social programs. Yes, social programs are good, but to what point? What principle is it teaching the recipients? I mean, i really don’t like it because i already pay 10% of my income to social programs. If everyone did the same, then i’m sure this country would be fine. But you want me to support more on top of that?? The sense of entitlement is alive and ravanging this country. There is no sense of pride, work ethic, or accountability with the current reign of social programs the democrats keep pushing down our throats.
Comment by jtuffy — February 22, 2008 @ 2:13 pm
I totaly agree with everything… it’s funny how we can say the same things but perceive them as different because of the parties we are in, lol. I think that the principles the programs teach should be the key, not what people get from the program but what they get out of it. Though I don’t think that social programs are the ONLY source of entitlement… it’s a problem that spans the social lader and it’s not healthy on any level. The American dream is to make something of yourself, not this false sense of expectation.
I totaly agree that the promise of change is shallow. Listening to Obama is only slightly less iritating than listening to Hiliray talk about here “experiance”! What a freaking joke… I wanted to participate in the caucus because I would rather see obama in the general election than hilary. BUT… that doesn’t mean I really like Obama, just like him better than Hilary (I was really all gunned up to vote for Romney, oh well)
The really sad thing is that the demecratic party is out of control (i really think they both are…) because people are just letting the progressive left run the show (and fundamental conservatives on the right). If more people put their feet down and take control of the parties instead of letting a few extreamists run the show, we would all be alot better off (or you can jump ship like those gutless independants, lol!) That’s why I want to get involved with the local branch of the Demecratic party. I think that there are alot of people that agree with some of the things the Dems do, there just needs to be a party shift toward the middle… so normal people with normal views can feel like it’s their party and not just the ultra liberals. The biggest problem with our government is that to much of what happens is decided by the party heads… people need to speak up and take control of their own parties.
Comment by Seth — February 22, 2008 @ 5:29 pm
The problem I see with seth’s views here is that he says we should be more in the middle, yet he wants to vote for Obama (the extreme liberal) and Romney (the supposed extreme conservative). You’re sending mixed signals here. McCain is criticized for being too close to the middle. One thing Obama is promising is help to go to college IF you perform community service. I think that sounds good and all, but I think it will result in tons of money given out without equal community service by the recipients.
On another note, have you caught wind of Hillary’s spending habits? That girl is a money spending freak! She has been documented in hosting $95K pre-caucus parties, $25K parties at the Bellagio in Vegas and many other costly parties. She showed this in her character when Bill was elected (him too). So, she wants us to spend more on taxes with confidence that the money will be well spent. Okay, sure.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 22, 2008 @ 5:53 pm
No arguments that she is a joke…
Also, I don’t really want to vote for obama. The term “lesser of two evils” gets thrown around alot and it describes perfectly why I would preffer obama get the nomination. As for general election… well, I’m might just stay home and hope 2012 will be better. Who knows?
The thing about the middle is that two people can be equaly moderate and still have the opposite position on many of the issues. Though I don’t agree with everything Romney had to say… I agreed with him on many of the issues that are of importance to me.
Comment by Seth — February 23, 2008 @ 1:07 am
So what issues do you agree with that would make you a dem? Do you believe in higher taxes, more social work, path to citizenship for illegals? These are the main platforms for a democrat
Comment by jtuffy — February 23, 2008 @ 6:51 pm
I don’t agree with staying home or, especially, voting for the worst candidate to teach your party a lesson (not that anyone said the latter). You should look at voting as exercising the power you are given. In your cases, the power you are given is to vote for the “lesser of two evils” just so the more evil doesn’t win. It’s important to do that (despite the whole Electoral College thing). So, I urge you guys to vote for MyCain
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 24, 2008 @ 2:47 pm
Yada yada yada, i agree with that, but i’m still voting for Romney as a write-in with the PA primaries come up! LOL
Comment by jtuffy — February 25, 2008 @ 8:53 am
What a waste. What is that going to accomplish? Better yet, what could that POSSIBLY accomplish in even the most extreme case?
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 25, 2008 @ 10:52 am
It is letting my opinion be heard!
Comment by jtuffy — February 25, 2008 @ 10:56 am
But it means crap! That’s like voting for the independent candidate!
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 25, 2008 @ 11:03 am
Are you saying my opinion doesn’t matter?
Comment by jtuffy — February 25, 2008 @ 11:14 am
Exactly. It certainly doesn’t matter in this case - not even in the most extreme circumstance. You can either prove to be a hard-head that is too prideful to do things right, or you can prove to be smart and play the game the way it is designed. This is why Obama will fail and why McCain’s experience truly has the potential to make things happen. Obama will strut his hip self into Washington, impose HIS way, they will deny it and give him alternatives, but he will say, “No, I won’t play your reindeer games. I came here to do things differently.” And they will say, “Sorry, but these are the rules; now you fail altogether.” McCain will go in and play by the rules which is the ONLY way to do anything. Otherwise, you just make a fool of yourself and spin your wheels. If you don’t like a law, then fight it according to the rules. Don’t fight it by rebelling against it to make a statement from prison!
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 25, 2008 @ 11:45 am
Hey, you can be king george, i’ll be paul revere! I don’t want the political game to continue, it is a joke. I’ll vote for what i think is right!
Comment by jtuffy — February 25, 2008 @ 12:31 pm
Can you even ride a horse??? Oh yeah, I forgot about your dark skin. Why don’t you just fight for your land back and then you can formulate your own government?
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 25, 2008 @ 12:40 pm
Of course you’ll need a bow and arrow.
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 25, 2008 @ 12:41 pm
I may just have to do that someday, since The sons of BALCO (you) seem to be infesting everything and taking all the tax payers dollars! And you are the pasty cracker, tans are in if you haven’t noticed! LOL
Comment by jtuffy — February 25, 2008 @ 12:47 pm
Oooooooohhhhhh man, you’ve gone too far now! It’s on! I know where you live and I have some free time this weekend… I hope you saved some BBs for your little peashooter - you’re gonna need them…
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 25, 2008 @ 12:54 pm
politics and religion are not for polite conversation.
the key word here is polite.
Comment by The Scam — February 25, 2008 @ 1:28 pm
I ear dat!
Comment by DOMS 287 — February 25, 2008 @ 1:33 pm
That is the purpose of the blog! LOL
Comment by jtuffy — February 25, 2008 @ 1:37 pm
what? to be polite.
i just love the racial jabs.
Comment by The Scam — February 25, 2008 @ 1:40 pm
It wouldn’t be the same if you didn’t have a few racial jabs….OK, i’m moving my post over to the new post so i don’t have to scroll down everytime, it takes longer to load………
Comment by jtuffy — February 25, 2008 @ 1:43 pm