I didn't watch it, i just knew you guys did. Actually i saw a few minutes of it at a restaurant i was eating at. That is so awkward eating alone, but i think i'm over it now since i did it every night. Anyways, no, didn't catch the debate, but of course CNN is saying the Osama won big time.
Okay, then I'll say my piece. Sadly, our terrorist Obama looked better this time than the first time. McCain did make some good points but overall Obama was able to do what he needed to do to keep his winning position with the people. So far there's little doubt that Obama's about got this wrapped up.
I can tell you that Obama didn't "win big time." Maybe Biden won big time against Palin, but surprisingly even the left wing media aren't saying that. There was truly no clear winner in the last debate between Obama and McCain. They both had their moments, but mostly it was a boring debate. The setup didn't allow for much debating in the first place.
I don't know what news you guys watch. But all I hear in the media is that McCain won, Pallin won and they are swiftly closing the gap in the race. I don't know if that's acurate, but it's what i keep hearing on the news. I don't really think any of the debates have been decisive. Though I do like to prettend that everytime Pallin winks... she is winking at me. It helps me think about something besides all her fear mongering and cliche.
Seth, you must be watching fox news. Except for those comments on palin winning because every news outlet seems to give her that credit. Did you actually see the debate with her though? It sounds like seth did with his new wink fetish (does rachel know about that????). Straight up, she lost. She indirectly made Obama look good because Biden ran all over her, especially on foreign policy, whether he was right or wrong. I'd say the definition of losing a debate is when your opponent goes off on a near 2-minute rant pointed at the basis of your whole campaign, directly saying you're a fraud, and then you follow up with, and I quote, ".............................."
Yes, every other word out of palin's mouth was that she and mccain are "mavericks." Towards the end of the debate, biden says, "mccain is no maverick on anything that matters. He's no maverick in the war....." among many other blatant, no-maverick claims. Palin did not even slightly protest. Unbelievable. The reason is because she didn't have anything memorized to say on that. I could go on and on, but she lost and was horrible for these reasons and more.
Yes I saw the debate... every lucious wink. And I still think Pallin is a joke. She is only doing so well because her target audiance is to sexist to hold her to any real standard.
Let me preface this by saying I am not a Hilary fan, this is just an observation. The democrats are fair enough to hold Hilary Clinton to the same standard as any polotitian... and when she inevitable defended herself she was labeled as bitchy by Ol' Joe Sixpack and The Hockey Moms. But they love Pallin and would never dream of critisism because she is a defensless little woman. Pallin's popularity is due to the sexism of her own partys members. Kinda funny.
I agree with seth. What's weird though was how bad they attacked her after her interview with Couric. Then after the debate, it's been all compliments. It's like, whether memorized or not, whether she answered the questions or just said her closest memorized statements or practiced phrases, since she had something to say at all, since she didn't stumble over her words, she wins. Hillary can't even tell the media about her fantasies of flying into hot areas and running and ducking for cover from sniper fire without being severely criticized. So what if that didn't really happen. So what if in reality it was the exact opposite. It could have happened.
But seriously, I do agree that Palin and Hillary are treated completely differently and probably for the reasons seth stated. Palin has that celebrity factor working for her like Obama does. No one can see or accept the truth when you're loved like that.
I guess I have to post a comment for you guys to know there's a new thread...
Did you see that excessively muscular leg! That boy's got some amazing genes!
so how do you know if it's a boy or a girl?
scam, I'm not sure you're old enough for this conversation...
Let's just say, he's just like his daddy.
LOL, good one scam. So what is new on the scene. I'm just chilling in Utah. Did anyone wath the debate the other night?
scam, I'm not sure you're old enough for this conversation...
Let's just say, he's just like his daddy - proportion wise, that is.
you mean small in statue, with long arms? : )
Yeah I watched the debate. What's your take? I've only got about 5 minutes here.
I didn't watch it, i just knew you guys did. Actually i saw a few minutes of it at a restaurant i was eating at. That is so awkward eating alone, but i think i'm over it now since i did it every night. Anyways, no, didn't catch the debate, but of course CNN is saying the Osama won big time.
Okay, then I'll say my piece. Sadly, our terrorist Obama looked better this time than the first time. McCain did make some good points but overall Obama was able to do what he needed to do to keep his winning position with the people. So far there's little doubt that Obama's about got this wrapped up.
I can tell you that Obama didn't "win big time." Maybe Biden won big time against Palin, but surprisingly even the left wing media aren't saying that. There was truly no clear winner in the last debate between Obama and McCain. They both had their moments, but mostly it was a boring debate. The setup didn't allow for much debating in the first place.
Whoa Whoa Whoa there bessy are you saying you are an Obama fan now?
Whoa whoa whoa is right. Slow down on that speed reading son. I said nothing of the sort.
I don't know what news you guys watch. But all I hear in the media is that McCain won, Pallin won and they are swiftly closing the gap in the race. I don't know if that's acurate, but it's what i keep hearing on the news. I don't really think any of the debates have been decisive. Though I do like to prettend that everytime Pallin winks... she is winking at me. It helps me think about something besides all her fear mongering and cliche.
Seth, you must be watching fox news. Except for those comments on palin winning because every news outlet seems to give her that credit. Did you actually see the debate with her though? It sounds like seth did with his new wink fetish (does rachel know about that????). Straight up, she lost. She indirectly made Obama look good because Biden ran all over her, especially on foreign policy, whether he was right or wrong. I'd say the definition of losing a debate is when your opponent goes off on a near 2-minute rant pointed at the basis of your whole campaign, directly saying you're a fraud, and then you follow up with, and I quote, ".............................."
Yes, every other word out of palin's mouth was that she and mccain are "mavericks." Towards the end of the debate, biden says, "mccain is no maverick on anything that matters. He's no maverick in the war....." among many other blatant, no-maverick claims. Palin did not even slightly protest. Unbelievable. The reason is because she didn't have anything memorized to say on that. I could go on and on, but she lost and was horrible for these reasons and more.
Yes I saw the debate... every lucious wink. And I still think Pallin is a joke. She is only doing so well because her target audiance is to sexist to hold her to any real standard.
Let me preface this by saying I am not a Hilary fan, this is just an observation. The democrats are fair enough to hold Hilary Clinton to the same standard as any polotitian... and when she inevitable defended herself she was labeled as bitchy by Ol' Joe Sixpack and The Hockey Moms. But they love Pallin and would never dream of critisism because she is a defensless little woman. Pallin's popularity is due to the sexism of her own partys members. Kinda funny.
I agree with seth. What's weird though was how bad they attacked her after her interview with Couric. Then after the debate, it's been all compliments. It's like, whether memorized or not, whether she answered the questions or just said her closest memorized statements or practiced phrases, since she had something to say at all, since she didn't stumble over her words, she wins. Hillary can't even tell the media about her fantasies of flying into hot areas and running and ducking for cover from sniper fire without being severely criticized. So what if that didn't really happen. So what if in reality it was the exact opposite. It could have happened.
But seriously, I do agree that Palin and Hillary are treated completely differently and probably for the reasons seth stated. Palin has that celebrity factor working for her like Obama does. No one can see or accept the truth when you're loved like that.
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