Seth - Happy Belated B-Day! Sorry for the space-out, things are wild around here trying to get ready to move. Hope you had a good one. I had a little party at our house yesterday and i used your blue bowl you gave us for a chip bowl. Was great. Would love to have more pieces.
So, what is shaking for Christmas?
How come I haven't been alerted to any posts (email)?
Was this bowl that seth gave you the elaborate sink bowl??? That's not a bad idea. All the crumbs can be drained out.
And happy birthday seth. Sorry I missed it too.
Huh, sink bowl, what are you talking about?
Didn't you have one of those sinks that is actually an exterior bowl? Wasn't seth supposed to make you one of those? I thought that maybe he sent you one and you used it as the chips bowl instead.
No, wasn't me, must've been something you've been dreaming about, of course, i could see you taking a wizz in one if you found one.
Yes, was you. You wanted to buy one of those sinks, and seth was going to make it. Seth needs to chime in and confirm this.
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