Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Wow, this thing still exists

Was digging through some old email trying to find out what happened to my old blue 64 mustang and ran into some old posts.  Hilarious how a blink of time and 10 years+ has passed. 

So many wonderful times and so many wonderful times to come!


DOMS 287 said...

Okay let me try this again... (attempt #2)

Assuming I’ve got this now, I want to say it’s good to be back! We could just quote each other from years past posts and see how much we’ve changed. It’s a scary thought...

DOMS 287 said...

Ahhh yes, the ol’ mustang. That brings back some memories. Like the one when we were out “cruising” in it for the first time. I remember it well. We ended up at Taco Bueno on 91st and Sheridan. Leaving, we were making a left. A cop was the last car to pass by before we could pull out. The stoplight was to our right where the cop had to stop juuuuuuuust past us. That’s when you dropped the hammer and squealed the tires out of Bueno leaving them behind us. I thought we were going to jail that night.

Unknown said...

Your ability to remember details like that is amazing! I think we need to hire a Ghost writer to write our stories that you can remember.

spency spence said...

LOL. That was seth in the car not you that night Doms. At the most you were sleeping in the back seat.

DOMS 287 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
DOMS 287 said...

Spence, your comment was FREAKING HILARIOUS all up until that last sentence. Consider deleting it. No seriously. Delete it.

DOMS 287 said...

Question, is it possible to be PC on an Apple? I’m bout to regulate Spence.

DOMS 287 said...

Due to some beeping technical difficulties, I am attempting for the third time to say that I strongly second the idea for a ghost writer. It has been floated several times over the years and it would be absolutely—to use tuffy’s new word—EPIC.

Now, for a good laugh, check out two of Spence’s (apparently) missing posts for today on the June 2017 string.

Unknown said...

Let’s do it.

DOMS 287 said...

At the risk of being the only one still talking about this, I imagine having the ghost writer (we need to come up with a name for this for easy reference) being a major undertaking. I see nothing short of large volumes of work over years time. Of course we often see things quite differently, and I’m sure this will be no exception. Which is why I would plan to include many, many, many examples of such times of our differing of opinions having been even entertainingly memorable. Like in one story I would be right and you would be wrong. Yet in another I would be very right and you would be very wrong. And then the stories of when Spence cried.

Unknown said...

I like how in both of your examples you are right. :) We totally should do a ghost writer. Who wants to try to find one? I doubt we would be able to sell a single copy but it sure would be worth it to relieve some good old memories.