Ok, the first step is committment. This is like the engagment ring, you set a date, plop down some money and hope he/she shows up. I took the plunge and signed up yesterday, Jenny will sign up today for the race. There is a link below that takes you to the page.
I'm super excited about the race, but i'm even more excited about the possibility of hanging out with you knuckle heads again. I was going through some old boxes the other day and found the best stuff, the mission tapes from michael with a shower photo of him as well, letters from Spencer, PW cartoons from seminary, Seth kissing spencer, cards from Carrie and more.... good times.
Anyways, looking at flight info, the cheapest place to fly from is Tulsa which is like 220 bucks total (too bad no one lives there) From newwark it is 350, from Laredo it is 330 and from Midland it is 650! (Whats up with that). I'm sure that Spence will take the private jet there and Seth could drive since they are giving gas away for free right now. : )
So take the plunge my friends, I signed up for the 10K after looking at the course mape for the half-marathon.
Oh and by the way, we are all almost 30 (Spence is already there) so this needs to happen now, we've been talking about it forever so lets have a little quarter-life crisis.
i got the green light from kressyda last night. that's as good as me showing up on race day.
the early morning training sessions have begun.
any idea how fast these things fill up. do i need to sign up 6 months in advance?
Well, today is the 6 month day so i would just sign up, i think they only have 250 spots for the 10K. Plus the longer you wait, the more expensive it gets. So max out the credit card now with the 40 bones and you'll have it paid off by next month. Jen and I are booking are plane tickets this week unless Spence agrees to pick us up in the private jet.
What's the itinerary? I'm really busy at this moment, so I'll have to blog later.
Rachel is thinking about coming along too. She is actually getting excited about the race. If we can pawn the kids off on some grandparents for a week we'll both be there.
I'm way excited, like Jon, about the race but mostly about seeing everyone. It's gonna be a great time.
Also... you all need to join face book so we can see who has the biggest brain. currently Rachel has the biggest brain, though Scam has the biggest vocabulary.
So everyone is on this facebook rage huh? What is the brain thing? Maybe, i'll take the plunge, but don't know, survived this long without it.
Doms - Itinerary is to be there!!
There is a game that tests basic perception and reasoning. It's fun and I'm ticked that Rachel has the high score!
Okay let me get this straight. My plane should arrive at the race at the time of the race and should not depart. Do I understand the itinerary correctly?
If that is what you want to do Doms, but you'll miss the creme pie contest.
I'll have to try out the facebook rage tonight, if games are involved, you know i'm there
Oh, and a shout out to cameron for finally getting xbox live and call of duty modern warfare, we'll have to hook it up sometime when Kress lets him off the leash.
Gracious, let's try again. Here's what I have:
Northwest Regional Bellingham, WA June 6, 2009
Extrapolating this information brings me to a Saturday. And, well... that's about all I have. Maybe you could tell me when you plan to arrive and depart and where you plan to stay. I think if I had that info, I could come up with the rest. Maybe I just won't have a very big brain on seth's face.
LOL, well, its a discretionary piece Doms, but Jen and I plan on being there probably on May 29th and leaving on June 7th. We haven't gotten the tickets yet but we hope to do that this week. Then once that is firm, i'll let you konw.
We plan on going to canada, do some whale watching, go kayaking, watch loads of movies in the theater room and prep for the big race on Saturday. Should be a knee slapper.
I cannot believe that we are finally settling on plans that everyone is up for and they are taking place all the way across the entire friggin' country!
Well, unless we can all squeeze into your condo, going somewhere we can all fit makes sense.
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